From our Business Manager

Larissa Clark

Spare forks & spoons for student use

With the colder weather, it is understandable that more students are bringing hot food from home for lunch.  


We ask that parents/carers/students check that they have packed appropriate cutlery for the food (it will save a call to ask parents to bring cutlery to school so their students can eat lunch).  


As a sustainable school, we have minimal recyclable cutlery to loan students, and our stocks are low.  


Thank you.

Excursions, Incursions & Camps 

It's a busy term with lots of activities. We want all students to enjoy the many activities we have planned this year, so we try to give families as much notice as possible for payment and consent.    


However, if you are experiencing difficulty paying, contact the school immediately so we can assist you. Email:


We can help with payment; we need you to reach out for a confidential chat.

Lost Property

With the change in weather, there has been lots of lost property around the school. (especially jackets).

  • Please label all clothing (then we can return it when found).
  • Parents are welcome to check the two lost property bins (located in the General Office & Gym).