Student Awards 

Student of the Week - Friday 31st May 2024

Prep BCIqra SFor consistently demonstrating great learning behaviours and trying your best in learning tasks. You are a fantastic role model to your class. Great work Iqra!
Prep KWMadison SFor sharing your amazing knowledge about the differences between day and night. You showed a great understanding of how the sun controls when it is dark or daylight. Keep up the great work, Madi.
Prep LLKristen SFor always using learning time efficiently and doing your best in every learning task. You are also a loyal friend, and a kind member of PLL. We are so lucky to learn with you Kristen! 
Prep NADhanisha PFor always showing resilience and never giving up when faced with challenging tasks. You always try your best and do everything with a big smile! Fantastic effort Dhanisha, keep it up!
1HQBeatrice WFor always showing attentive listening and doing your best in every learning task. You are an amazing role model in 1HQ Beatrice. Keep up the terrific work!
1LPBavithra GFor your amazing prediction about the book 'Bluey - The Beach'. You used small details in the picture to predict that they will be going for a walk. We are lucky to have you in 1LP, Bavithra!
1SQAdele CCongratulations, Adele, for being so focused during guided reading this week and identifying syllables and finger-spelling words. You're a superstar! Keep up the great work!
1VBAlexander BFor your focused and independent work habits, which help your learning. You always do a great job of your morning whiteboard writing. Keep it up Alexander B!
2CLJonathan ZFor consistently applying yourself to all learning tasks. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. You should be so proud of your improvement particularly in understanding the texts you read! Well done Jonathan!
2EBJordan WFor showing responsibility and engagement in your learning. You have done a fantastic job at keeping yourself on task. Keep it up, Jordan!
2SMWisley HFor being a ray of sunshine in 2SM! You're always happy, friendly and positive. We love having you in our class! Keep being awesome Wisley.
3DPAlan GFor always striving to be at your best in everything that you do. You should be very proud of the hard work you put in. Keep it up Alan! 
3EBDiyaan RFor always putting your best effort into everything. You have such a positive outlook on learning. Keep it up, Diyaan!
3JNJonathan MFor his enthusiastic and respectful contributions to our class discussion while creating an Acknowledgement of Country during Reconciliation Week. Keep up the excellent work, Jon!
3LDAyra KFor working well during our research session. You have set yourself up well for the rest of the project. Well done, Ayra. 
4MGEric YFor delivering a fantastic short talk on your special memory of Year 4 camp. Your oral skills are improving. Go Eric!
4MGLohitha KFor eagerly participating in class discussions. You always have great ideas to share. We are lucky to have you in 4MG Lohitha!
4MPRaihan MFor working hard to improve your handwriting skills both at school and at home. Keep working hard on this Raihan!
4OKVivaan SFor enthusiastically participating in our guided reading sessions. You always ask thoughtful questions and contribute interesting responses. Keep up the fantastic work Vivaan!
4SMJarrod WFor the wonderful effort you have shown in completing learning tasks. Fantastic work Jarrod!  Keep it up!
4SMIshaan DFor consistently displaying a positive attitude towards learning and giving your best efforts to tasks. You are a great role model in 4SM Ishaan!
5ARYuzo CFor always showing diligence and dedication towards your learning. You are an asset to our classroom Yuzo! Keep up the terrific work!
5BTKrishaye RFor always trying your best and   consistently displaying a positive and kind nature. We love having you in 5BT Krishaye!
5DCMonya LFor terrific work in Reading and Writing sessions. Well done for sharing ideas about our mentor text 'Anne Frank' and for working so productively during Discussion writing activities.  Well done Monya.
5TLEshreet SFor writing an introspective and detailed reflection on her first semester in Year 5. Great work Eshreet!
6JSCarol LFor putting in a great effort with all her Literacy Circle activities; especially writing the chapter summaries. Keep up the positive attitude Carol!
6LVEmma GFor being a responsible leader and learner across all subject areas. You always respond so well to feedback and ensure all learning tasks are completed by the end of the week. Great work Emma!
6SCJames ZFor consistently completing his array of tasks and responsibilities promptly and on time. It is clearly evident how hard you are working, James!
6TJJoel AFor writing a well balanced and detailed discussion text about whether school uniforms should be banned. You included a lot of detail and it was interesting to read. Keep it up Joel.

Student of the Week - Friday 24th May 2024

Prep BCLia BFor your great efforts in writing all the sounds you hear. Great work Lia!
Prep KWFlorence WFor your amazing efforts and improvement with fingerspelling and encoding words when writing. You always try so hard and have such a positive attitude. Keep up the great effort, Florence!
Prep LLBhavesh PFor showing his responsibility by helping everyone in PLL use the correct bin. Bhavesh's care and kindness towards everyone makes him a wonderful friend! We are so lucky to learn with you!
Prep NAEmma GFor showing persistence and continuing to grow when doing her keyring and decodable words. Keep up the fantastic work Emma! I am so proud of you!
1HQJesper SFor displaying an increasingly positive learning attitude. You have been participating actively in class discussions and taking learning tasks seriously. Keep it up Jesper!
1LPKriv SFor always trying your best and for actively participating in our maths lessons this week about equal sharing. I am so proud of you, Kriv! 
1SQNathan XCongratulations, Nathan, for showing care and responsibility towards other students in 1SQ. I'm also impressed with your resilience in developing your literacy skills. Your dedication to learning is commendable. Keep it up.
1VBDeleena AFor being a kind and considerate member of 1VB. We love the way you help others. Keep it up Deleena!
2CLAiden TFor consistently making fantastic choices in the classroom this week. You have been a great example to your peers by using your whole body listening skills. Keep it up Aiden!
2EBScarlett CFor always being a humorous classmate who makes every day more fun! Your joy is contagious. Keep it up, Scarlett!
2EBIvan LFor taking the time to reflect on what you have done and learn from yourself and others. It's always fantastic to see you putting that time into your learning. Keep it up Ivan!
2SMGrace YFor using the clues in the text and what you know to make excellent inferences. Keep up the awesome work Grace!
2SPHeng Jiun LFor the enthusiasm in learning and for always actively participating in class discussions. Keep up the amazing work, Heng Jiun!
3DPKiyara E MFor working hard and using your time efficiently to finish activities within the time frame.  Keep up the amazing work Kiyara!
3EBYiran WFor always being a kind and considerate member of our class. We are so lucky to have you in 3EB, Yiran!
3JNNoah MFor the hard work you put into writing your Information Report on 'Zoos'. I am so proud of your efforts, keep it up Noah!!
3LDOnalee PFor your succinct information report on WHPS. Your topic sentences were excellent and your follow-up details to the point and factual. Well done, Onalee! 
4MPMark KFor composing a persuasive piece about camp using a range of persuasive devices and editing techniques. Excellent persistence, Mark. 
4MPLauren SFor developing your research skills and sharing your understanding of Victoria's natural and manmade features with the rest of the class. Great presentation skills Lauren! 
4OKAyaan RFor sharing your amazing knowledge of Australia with the class. Your understanding of Australia's states/ territories, capital cities and landmarks is very impressive. Fantastic work Ayaan!
4SMJarrod WFor the wonderful effort you have shown in completing learning tasks. Fantastic work Jarrod!  Keep it up!
5ARLuka DFor your enthusiasm and exuberant attitude towards all of your learning. You're a terrific member of 5AR! Keep it up Luka!
5BTTyenna RFor always starting each and everyday with a big smile and a positive attitude. You radiate happiness and are a true role model Tyenna! 
5DCDoris ZFor working diligently and accurately during Maths, to solve problems involving fractions. You were also very helpful to others in your group. Keep up the wonderful work Doris, we're proud of you!
5TLVarun SFor confidently identifying complex sentences by finding subordinate clauses. Well done mate, that's a very advanced skill.
6JSAndrew WFor a great effort to learn the dance moves for Hip Hop. Keep up the positive attitude Andrew. Well done!
6LVAini AFor an outstanding discussion writing   piece including an engaging anecdote, strong emotive arguments and excellent use of modality words. Congratulations Aini!
6SCEllie AFor your insightful and detailed summary of our Literature Circle book this week. It is evident how hard you are working. Well done Ellie!
6TJMatisse WFor bringing your exuberant enthusiasm to class. You keep us energised and entertained. You are an important member of our class Matisse.