Grade 1 and 2

Mother's Day
This year for Mother's Day the morning looked very different and was such a special time for families to connect with each other and make our Mums and special friends feel very loved. The classrooms were buzzing with busy hands and kind gestures as the families celebrated the special roles our mums or special friends play in our lives.
Reading and Writing snapshots.
Throughout our writing and reading we have been immersing ourselves in literature that deepens our understandings of Country. We have looked at many books that have exposed us to a variety of First Nations' voices and perspectives. We have relished the opportunity to write about our new knowledge and here are a few to share with you.
Simultaneous Storytime
On the 22nd of May, our Grade One and Two students participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. This is a lovely opportunity to enjoy a shared book with students all across Australia at the very same time. Some students listened to the book from their teachers, while others tuned in live to hear the author Aura Parker read her book "Bowerbird Blues". All of the students enjoyed the story, but also learning more about a curious creature we have in Australia called the bowerbird.
In Friendology, Respectful Relationships and Cybersafety we have using a variety of activities to equip our students in navigating social situations, being safe online, problems solving and seeking support when necessary. Remember you can access Friendology resources for yourself to use and create discussions with your family at the URSTRONG website.
Premier's Reading Challenge
Your student will have received the information for the Premier's Reading Challenge for 2024. Your child will have their own log in details and information on how to register and log the details of books read. This is a great chance to promote reading a variety of books with your child and challenge them to reach the goal! You can include books you have at home, borrow from the school library on a weekly basis, or even try your local library.
We hope you have enjoyed reading just a snapshot of the learning that is occuring in the Grade One and Two classrooms. Remember to check the Wonga Weekly for frequent updates and reminders.
Grade One and Two Team