
🧸 Teddy Bear Picnic

We had the most wonderful time at our Teddy Bear Picnic on Thursday 23rd May. We got the last of the autumn sunshine, sitting underneath the Oak Tree. The preps invited their Grade 6 buddies to the picnic by delivering a hand drawn / written invitation to them.

The prep families sent along the most delicious lunches and treats for the buddies to share. There were happy faces and full tummies all round! 


💐 Mother's Day

We had a lovely morning celebrating our beautiful Prep mums at our Mother's Day morning. It was such fun to see the joy that the morning brought to everyone - a highlight was the nail painting station 💅🏻

We are so grateful to Mrs Goodwin for organising the event!


🌄 CBL: Country

Did you know that Country is made up of 6 layers? This is the learning that the Preps have been diving into. The 6 layers are: Below Country, On Country, Water Country, Wind Country, Forest Country and Sky Country. Have a look at the collages we made to see if you can discover what belongs on each layer of Country. 


The Preps have started bringing their iPads to school which has been a source of great excitement! They have been so impressive in using their iPads responsibly, like only going on the apps that they have been asked to, and putting them back straight away when the learning session is complete.

So far, we have used our iPads to explore Reading Eggs to complement our learning in phonemic awareness, Book Creator to create addition stories and we starting to learn how to do a basic internet search to help with our learning in CBL.