School Council News

It feels a bit like the year has only just begun, but school council is well into the swing of things with three of our eight meetings already completed.
This year we have welcomed three new parent representatives - Stacey Vanderzaag, Troy Bowie and Tom Zappula - who are already making a wonderful contribution to our 15-member school council.
We would like to acknowledge and offer our gratitude to former members Jane Smith, Narelle Evans and Travis Reid, who departed school council at the end of 2023. Jane served as president and vice-president during her tenure, while Narelle was a brilliant driving force of our fundraising efforts for several years and Travis played a valuable role in the Fathers of the Oak. Thank you all for your significant contributions to our school community.
The 2024 School Council members are:
Parent representatives: Michelle Rose (president), Jo Allen (vice-president), Brett Powell (treasurer), Jodie Winterton, Natalie Whittle, Sam Philp, Chris Hollyman, Troy Bowie, Tom Zappulla, Stacey Vanderzaag
DET representatives: Julie Crawford, Adele Brice, Terri Gioia, Natasha Tymensen, Natalie McKinnon (Burch Memorial Preschool)
School council meeting dates are in the Sentral calendar and parents are welcome to attend. We also encourage parent participation in our Environment, Buildings and Grounds, Education and Child Safe or Partnerships sub-committees - you don’t have to be a school council member to join!
The roles and responsibilities of the school council are set out on the department’s website. We consider the views of the wider school community in our decision-making and welcome parent feedback on matters within our remit. Please note that all operational matters should be directed to the school, so that they can be handled appropriately.
School council met on Monday, May 22, and key discussion points included:
School camps
Last year, the school council sought parent and student feedback as we reviewed the camps program for 2024 and beyond. This resulted in school council ratifying a staged approach to camps - progressing from a day camp in Grade 2 to a one-night camp in Grade 3, a two-night camp in Grade 4, a three-night camp in Grade 5 and a four-night camp in Grade 6 from 2025.
After school discussions with several camps, it has become apparent that a three-night camp for one grade level is not feasible. Ultimately, after deliberation at Monday’s meeting, school council has endorsed a revised camps program from 2025 onwards that will see grades 5 and 6 year levels attend camp together (as they have in previous years). The increased number of students makes a three-night camp feasible every second year.
From 2025, grades 5 and 6 will attend a four-night camp (Gelantipy) every odd year, and a three-night camp (Kangaroobie) every even year. In making this decision, we have taken into consideration parent and student feedback on the camps program, cost, staffing arrangements and feedback from students and teachers about their preferred camps.
The creative play space is shaping up nicely and we can’t wait to see students enjoying this fantastic area. We are seeking donations to help complete the space with trees and bench seating. If you would like to support this fundraising effort, please follow this TryBooking link.
At our latest school council meeting we approved the concept for the next exciting project, a revamped playground in the area between the school office and the cottage. This will be the next focus of fundraising efforts so stay tuned for more details.
Partnerships update
Our Partnerships sub-committee has spent a great deal of time fine-tuning the planned fundraising events for the remainder of the year. Dates are being finalised and a list of upcoming events will be communicated shortly!
Curriculum day
School council endorsed the final curriculum day of the year, which will be on June 26.
If you have any school council-related questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to a school council member. You can contact us via the school office or by email:
Kind regards,
Michelle Rose
School council president