Shining Star Award, 

Week 8

 Term 2 – Week 8





Jack DJack, you give 200% to school! You are energised by learning new things, you put incredible detail into all tasks and you love to share knowledge and ideas. I love watching you learn! 
 Grace KGrace, you are a learning superstar! You are a respectful class member who listens so carefully and remembers everything. Your reading and writing makes my jaw drop because it’s so clever. Amazing, Grace! 


Mav BMav, thank you for bringing your loving personality into Prep B each day. You are a kind friend that is always up for a chat! We love having a friend like you! 


Acer OAcer, I am so incredibly proud of your achievements over the year. You have grown so much, and I love to see your confidence beaming! Keep being wonderful! 
 Olivia GLivvy, you always give your learning 100% and rise to new challenges. You always look out for your peers and are a wonderful asset to our classroom!  


Lenny CLenny, you bring such a happy and friendly attitude into our classroom. You treat others with kindness and share your understandings and thoughts with others respectfully.  Keep shining bright Lenny! 


Zara V-BYou are such a fun-loving and kind friend in 1/2C. You always show respect and care for others. It is such a gift to have you in our class. 
 Quinn TQuinn, you have continued to demonstrate a very diligent and hard working attitude to learning and you have grown so much! Well done! 


Cooper TGreat job on being true to yourself and showing others how important it is to try hard to achieve your best.
 Harry DHarry, you are a 'shining star' who works hard to find stamina and persistence to achieve your writing goals, well done!
    3AManha KFor always trying your best in every learning task and applying feedback to improve your learning. 
   3BHarper MThank you for always helping out in the classroom and trying your best in every learning task. 


Victoria JFor noticing the small things that contribute to the smooth running of our classroom. I really appreciate your kindness V! 
 Matteo HFor your fantastic use of descriptive words, and your focus and dedication to improving your spelling. I am super proud of your efforts Matteo! 


Sam HSam it is wonderful to watch you develop in confidence and show more of your creative ideas in class. Keep being you, we love having you in our class. 


Asher PAsher, thank you for being an upstander and always leading by example. The effort you place into all aspects of your schooling does not go unnoticed. 


Georgia CYour commitment to learning is off the charts! Keep up the great work, superstar! 


Xavier FXavier, last week you consistently made mature choices for your learning and put your best effort into every task. You completed your work to an excellent standard. Well done! 


Caleb KFor your outstanding efforts in and out of the classroom. Well done performing in the NEVR Youth Concert!  


Abby TFor being a consistently helpful and reliable classmate, and for showing determination to extend yourself in Maths. I am grateful for your contribution to our class and so proud of your learning.