Shining Star Award, 

Week 6

 Term 2 – Week 6





Sienna SSienna, you bring a positive and happy attitude to school every day. Not only that, you are so helpful, friendly and kind to everyone. We are so lucky to have you in Prep A! 
 Scott TScott, you are blowing me away with the improvements that you make every day. You give everything a go and try your best. I admire your effort, which proves that practice makes progress. Keep going, Scottles! 


Jasper NJasper, your curiosity for learning and willingness to try new things is inspiring! We love hearing all your clever questions and responses during discussion. Keep it up Jasper! 
 Willow CWillow, you bring your kind and positive attitude to all you do each day! We love that you are always there to support a friend in need.  


Lola KFor displaying great determination to learn and read words, letters and sounds both at home and school! A great effort! 
 Logan KFor working with great persistence to complete all his learning tasks with concentration and care. Super effort Logan! 
 Felix GFor showing an amazing effort when reading and using the sounds and letters he knows to read smoothly. 


Matiss PFor persisting at your learning even when you feel challenged. So amazing! Well done! 
 Oliver CFor showing dedication to your learning and being an honest and reliable learner. Keep up the good work! 


Olivia RYour quiet and caring nature is valued by all in our learning community. You are always willing to have a go at new things with a positive attitude and happy smile. 


Talia MTalia, you are consistently kind, caring and supportive to others. You are always enthusiastic to try your best at everything that you do. Well done, Talia! 
 Toby UToby you are such a hard worker, always listening carefully and completing the activities by doing your very best. Well done!


Oliver J



Thank you for showing us all the importance of challenging yourself to stretch and strive for more! You are a great role model to our learning community. 
 Orla DFor showing us all how important resilience is when trying something new and working through struggles. We are all learning from your great example. 


Charlize C-PThank you for always trying your best and checking in to make sure you understand the task. 
 LThank you for always working so hard to produce such amazing writing. 


Sienna SYou are curious and committed to making the most of learning time. Your exceptional spelling results and growing skills in solving complex subtraction problems showcase your attentiveness and hard work! 
 Violet KFor the spark inside of you that seeks to understand. It has been a joy to see your dedication to improving your understanding of addition and subtraction as you find patterns and take on challenges in Mathematics. 


Sarah GYour bubbly, positive approach to all learning tasks is infectious and makes us all smile! We love the warmth and inclusiveness that you bring to our classroom. 
 Stevie JThe supreme level of organisation that you demonstrate in your work and day to day classroom activities is second to none! We love that you keep us all on track in a loving and caring way. You are a star! 


Ava HFor your hard work and dedication to improving your spelling. Keep up the fantastic work! 
 Jenna MFor working hard to stretch your thinking and challenge yourself in Math. Keep up the great work! 


Zahli VWe are so grateful for your consistent approach to all learning and your contribution as a kind and caring friend to all in our Grade 4 community. Thank you! 
 Paden VWell done on focusing your energy and creativity towards the things that matter to you. Your effort and outcomes within the classroom have been noticed and appreciated. Keep challenging yourself to step outside your comfort zone. 


Carvin WCarvin, you displayed qualities of a determined learner in completing your 'Mallee Sky' writing. You set yourself a goal in completing the task in a short time frame and your hard work paid off! You should be super proud! 


Nate V-BNate, you have wow-ed us all with your creativity in our work with Mallee Sky. The imagery and illustration that you have created are epic! Thank you sharing your genuine love for learning with us all, you’re an all-round superstar! 


Isabella GYour attitude towards learning is a shining example to your peers, Bella. Thanks for sharing your beautiful writing with us. It’s a gift every time!