
Performing Arts
On Monday 20th May, our Grade 5 and 6 students who are taking part in the Victorian State School Spectacular had their first local school hub rehearsal. We travelled to Ringwood North Primary School and joined their choir and Kalinda Primary School to learn our songs for the performance. The students had the chance to learn from one of the musical directors of the VSSS and connect with the other singers. It was exciting to start learning the music that we will be singing at John Cain Arena in September.
Congratulations to Violet (Grade 3) and Caleb (Grade 6) who performed at Hamer Hall as part of the North East Victoria Region Concert - Sonic Canvas. Caleb performed in the advanced symphonic band and Violet in the intermediate concert band. It was a wonderful experience for them to play in front of an audience at an iconic Melbourne venue.
Visual Arts
The last two weeks of Art Club have seen some very creative work! Last week students decorated some aprons for use during future Art Club sessions. This week Chantelle one of our amazing Art captains taught everyone how to finger knit.
After reading Sally Morgan's story 'The River', the Preps were inspired by the illustrations and created a fish skeleton. These pieces of work now sit proudly on the art room window and are especially beautiful with the morning sun coming through!
The Grade 2s have been busy designing an Indigenous inspired wall hanging. They are practising lots of skills such as drafting and editing their work, adding colour and pattern to each layer after drying, as well as threading and tying knots.
The 3/4s have had lots of fun this week choosing different sizes boxes, 'shopping' at the supplies bench and creating a unique and wacky box creature. I love how different they all are and can't wait to see them begin the painting process next week.
One of this term's projects for 'Country' for the Grade 5's was to create a rainstick. They painted a base coat and used posca markers for details, also included rice for the genuine rain sound. They line the windows in the Art room with so much colour!
With Indigenous sports rounds for various sporting teams around Australia this week, Grade 6 students are putting together their own inspired uniforms incorporating their own and Aboriginal designs. Their attention to detail and careful use of the graphic markers has created a striking effect.
Physical Education and Sport
Division Cross Country
Next Tuesday, 4th June, we have 11 students from Grades 4-6 who have qualified to compete at the Maroondah Division Cross Country at Yarra Glen. To reach this level, these students have needed to finish in the Top 10 places at both the School and District Level Cross Country events.
We wish Zara, Victoria, Luella, Cade, Miles, Angus, Harper, Mischa, Thomas, Will and Isaiah all the very best and can't wait to hear how they go.
Prep-Grade 2 Netball Clinic
This week just gone, our Prep-Grade 2 students were fortunate to have Amanda from the Warrandyte Netball Club come and run a clinic during their PE lesson. The students had a wonderful time learning the fundamental skills of Netball while participating in several fun and age appropriate activities.
For any students who would like to continue learning about Netball, Amanda will be running the Net, Set, Go program at Warrandyte Netball Club on Wednesday afternoons.