Grade 3 and 4

What's Happening!
We have busily working through lots of exciting things in the grade 3/4 space. In literacy we have been working on cartoons and moving into exploring graphic novels, planning and composing our own story and adapting these in short graphic novels. In Maths, we are working through addition, subtraction and problem solving strategies and encourage you to discuss any real world maths problems and vocabulary with your kids eg. difference between, left over, how many etc.
In Friendology, Respectful Relationships and Cybersafety we are working through a variety of activities to support our students in navigating social situations, being safe online, problems solving and seeking support when necessary.
This week you will receive the information for the Premier's Reading Challenge for 2024. Your child will have their own log in details and information on how to register and log the details of books read.
In we are exploring Country with our essential question being "What can we learn and take forward from First Nations people, history and culture?" Over the next few weeks we are focusing on reconciliation and respect through a variety of collaborative activities.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
We have been busy looking at seedlings and changes in the garden and identifying different herbs and their uses in food. We have been preparing a variety of quick, easy and nutritious snacks that students can easily prepare themselves at home. Even without working in the kitchen space, students and helpers have created some wonderful recipes to share.