Student of the Week

Award being presented: Friday 7th June 2024 

00ANomination 1: James - for your wonderful mathematician skills this week! It is wonderful to watch you try your best, showing us how you can skip can by 10s! Great work James!
Nomination 2: Rosalie - for being such a kind, helpful friend to everyone in Prep A! We love all of the special drawings and cards you make for everyone! You fill Prep A’s bucket Rosie, keep up the great work! 



Nomination 1: Kai - for being a superstar learner when learning all about ‘ty’ numbers and how to count by tens. Keep up the amazing learning Kai, I am so proud of you!
Nomination 2: Thang No 
00CNomination 1: Mia - for being a kind friend to everyone in Prep C! Keep up the amazing effort Mia!
Nomination 2: Avleen - for always striving to be the best learner you can be and presenting your work beautifully. Keep up the awesome effort Avleen!
1ANomination 1: Ariana 
Nomination 2: Hayden 





Nomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 
1CNomination 1: Calvin - for doing such a brilliant job with your persuasive writing. You really persuaded me into believing that Green Anacondas are the best animal. I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Claire - for consistently demonstrating our school values of being a Respectful, Responsible Learner. You always come to school with a big smile on your face, ready to learn! I am so proud of you! Well done and keep up the great work!



Nomination 1: Matvei - for creating a wonderful persuasive piece about saving our oceans. Your reasons were very convincing! Keep up the great work. 
Nomination 2: Saanvi - for always focusing on your tasks. You always show responsibility when you start your work straight away. Keep up the wonderful work. 
1ENomination 1: Annabelle - for all your hard work with your handwriting. You take feedback on board and you are doing such a great job making sure your handwriting is neat. Amazing Annabelle!
Nomination 2: Ashton - for your wonderful work in maths. You are an addition expert. Keep up the great work!




Nomination 1: Hannah - you have been nominated by 2A for being generous, always letting people play with you, sharing your things, being helpful and a funny classmate.
Nomination 2: Lily - for being super enthusiastic with our descriptive writing unit and writing some fantastic descriptions. Keep up the great writing Lily!



Nomination 1: Rachel - for always showing the school values in everything you do. You always come to school each day with a positive attitude and a huge smile. You are a very kind and caring member of 2B.
Nomination 2: Jack - for doing an amazing job with his show, don’t tell descriptive writing. I loved all the effort and detail you put into your work. Keep up the great work!
2CNomination 1: Paul - you have been nominated by your peers for being such a great friend to everyone. You play fair, you work hard, and you are a gun mathematician. We are glad you are in 2C!
Nomination 2: Oliver - you are a terrific asset to our classroom. You always model great listening and thinking, and you are kind and courteous to everyone. Your positive attitude is a wonderful characteristic to have! 
2DNomination 1: Kelly J- for being a supportive, respectful and friendly member of 2D. Your peers think the world of you Kelly, what a great friend you are!
Nomination 2: Erika L - for completing your work tasks at a high standard, taking on feedback and improving in every subject. What a star you are!



Nomination 1: Oliver G - for being so enthusiastic during Maths fluency games.  It is so wonderful to watch your face light up when you play around with numbers and get the correct answer.  
Nomination 2: Jehu - for trying your best in all areas of your learning with a big smile on your face. 
3BNomination 1: Aiden - for trying his best in all tasks. You are a fabulous learner - keep it up!
Nomination 2: Bridget - for always starting the day with a big smile on her face. You are a ray of sunshine in 3B!



Nomination 1: Willa - Amazing job with your phonograms and writing task. Keep it up being an amazing learner. 
Nomination 2: Emily - It is fantastic to see you take charge of your learning and being more accountable. Thank you for your respectful and responsible attitude to 3C. 



Nomination 1: Olivia D - for all your hardwork and dedication during our Maths sessions. You have done a wonderful job of using your understanding of fact families to solve equations. You are a superstar!
Nomination 2: Fredrik - nomiated by 4A for being such a fantastic learner in the classroom. You are always being respectful and listening. We love having you in 4A!
4BNomination 1: Blake R - for being so focused during maths lessons. By practicing your skills you were able to make impressive improvement and increased your confidence in your abilities. Well done!
Nomination 2: Rosie W -  for using a range of wonderful persuasive devices in your writing. I was so impressed by the way you applied all your new learning to your 'homework should be optional' piece.
5ANomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 
5BNomination 1: Isla S - nominated by her classmates for her wonderful listening skills and strong work habits
Nomination 2: Oscar D - for his strong work ethic and ability to listen to feedback to enhance his work.



Nomination 1: Gemma - nominated by 5C for being an amazing example. You approach every task with enthusiasm and always try your best. You also always make others feel included. We love having you in 5C.
Nomination 2: Zac - nominated by 5C for being a great friend to all. You make everyone feel accepted and think about others. We love having you in our grade.




Nomination 1: 
Nomination 2:
6BNomination 1: Tim - for his passionate and punchy persuasive text. Your writer’s voice brought humour and emotion to the topic, making your work an engaging read!
Nomination 2: Ryder - for creating and presenting a powerpoint about World War II using his prior knowledge. This helped the class further understand the context and setting of the Once series. 
6CNomination 1: Dirk L - for his enthusiastic approach to completing his work tasks ands setting himself high standards (especially in Maths) 
Nomination 2: Andrew C - for his excellent working habits and support to fellow classmates



Nomination 1: Lachlan H (5B) for putting in so much effort in completing your unique version of Indonesian comic book! Really proud of you, Lachie!
Nomination 2: Jasmine C (6B) for translating and writing 100 Indonesian words to English in just 15 minutes! Your learning spirit is unstoppable and inspiring, Jasmine!
EALNomination 1: Abigail 1D - for your effort and enthusiasm in EAL! You always demonstrate GRPS values!
Nomination 2: Rachel 2B - for your dedication to achieving your best in all learning tasks in EAL! Well done Rachel!
Performing Arts Nomination 1: Kayley W 2A - for demonstrating perseverance and mastering the lines and spaces of the treble clef stave. You are a superstar learner!
Nomination 2: Nate S 1E - Your knowledge of the positions of the notes on the treble clef stave is amazing. You are a superstar leaner!

Visual Arts 



Nomination 1:
Nomination 2:
Physical Education Nomination 1: 
Nomination 2:

Science & Technology



Nomination 1: Tung Pi - for consistently being a brilliant listener who follows instructions well and loves to help others.
Nomination 2: Lucian G - for being flexible and accommodating during lessons and always working hard. It’s a pleasure to teach you!