Cranbourne Campus News

Mother’s Day at CRA


A glorious Monday morning greeted over 100 mothers, aunties, grandmothers and other significant women as they came to the campus for a celebration of them. Sharing a cuppa and a light morning snack while meeting other significant women and spending time with their children were some of the highlights of being able to come together as a community in this way. A special thank you to the Student Representative Council led by Matt Sinclair, who organised the event, prepared the photo booth, and the arts presentations and of course to Music Ministry who gave us a lovely rendition of the Lord's Prayer. We look forward to this event getting bigger and bigger each year but before that, we will be welcoming our fathers and significant men, closer to spring. Thank you to the many mothers and significant women who were able to join their young person on-site for breakfast.


FREE Parent Learning that you can do from your home!!!


Black Dog Institute is running three, free parent webinars for our new Parent and Carer presentation “Teen Mental Health Matters: For Parent & Carers”.


Registration can be made on the Black Dog Institute website For Parents - Black Dog Institute | Better Mental Health


Dates are

  • 29th May
  • 17th June
  • 27th June


Visit their website for more




Some reminders of processes to help our Office team


An open letter requesting your assistance.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We are having an increasing number of situations where parents/caregivers are not following the correct processes for attendance thereby placing undue pressure on our lovely Office team. The detail below was shared with students last week and I am sharing it with you so that you might be able to help us on site.

Being on time to Tutor Group

  • While the class roll is taken every lesson it is the Tutor Group Roll (8:50 am) that is most important as it triggers our lovely Office team to send a message home to say your child is absent. Please support your child to be on time to Tutor Group and remind them that if they are unavoidably late, they must first check in at Reception before going to their first lesson.
  • Teachers mark the roll in the first 4-5 minutes of the lesson, so they need to be in class for the start of the classroom routine and roll call or they will be marked absent for that lesson. 

Known absence

  • Please ensure you contact the Office before Tutor group (8:50 am) if your child is staying home with an illness or will be absent or late for any reason.

Leaving Early

  • If you have an appointment or need your child to leave early for any reason, you need to notify the Office before Tutor group (8:50 am) on that day.  Unless it is a medical emergency, the Office team cannot leave the reception to go and get your child from class /lunchtime or the yard.  [If you let the Office know before Tutor Group then the class roll for that day will reflect the time your child needs to leave and the lesson teacher will let them go to reception to sign out.]

We appreciate that as parents and caregivers, you are very busy and thank you for your cooperation with this - while it seems small to some parents, not following the processes puts unnecessary pressure on the Office staff especially if 10 or 20 parents do not follow the correct processes on the same day, which has been happening of late.




Mr Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus