From our Principal 

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

Welcome to the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Week 2024. 

The theme of this year is “A New Dialogue of Love, Hope and Joy” inspired by the Scripture passage from Revelations, ‘See, I am making all things new’ (Rev 21:5). This theme symbolises an optimistic and hope-filled perspective on the world and a renewed approach to fostering positive change. The theme emphasises the belief that transformation and renewal are possible in all aspects of life through individual choices. By following the life and teachings of Jesus, and embracing principles of compassion, peace, goodness, and justice, individuals can contribute to a more hopeful and joyful world, sowing seeds of positivity and hope.


Being educated in a Catholic School is unique and a point of difference. St Peter’s College delivers a Catholic education that provides opportunities for students to connect with their faith and be nourished by a faith driven learning program. This learning program focuses on the development of the whole person: academically, social-emotionally, physically AND spiritually. Our narrative with students of becoming the best version of themselves will often use scripture and story to help illustrate what that means. How we operate, how we build community and how we strive to inspire our students to live a faith-filled life is inextricably linked to a Catholic education. It gives meaning to our core moral purpose of receiving a Catholic education where we actively promote and be witnesses as servants of Christ in thought, word and deed. 


Launch of Catholic Education Week


Last Friday St Peter’s College was privileged to host the launch of Catholic Education Week. Our staff played a significant role in ensuring the event showcased both our College and Catholic education within the Sale Diocese. Consisting of a mass held at St Thomas the Apostle Church, then an award ceremony in the Geode Performing Arts Centre and culminating in an afternoon tea, our students shone brightly. The combined music ministry classes provided magnificent sung voices which added greatly to what was a beautiful mass presided over by Bishop Greg Bennet together with many of the priests of the Diocese present. Our student leaders were wonderful in acting as guides and welcomers as the 110 strong guests arrived for the award ceremony. Our combined campus hospitality students were simply outstanding in preparing and serving a feast to our guests at the conclusion of the awards ceremony.

Congratulations is extended to all staff and students involved in the lead-up to the day and on the day itself.



Award Winners


Congratulations to the following staff members who were presented with special awards as part of Catholic Education Week 2024. Each year the Diocese of Sale award staff from across the forty-seven primary & secondary schools. Awards for 2024, in the category of “Inspiring Learning” were awarded to two of our St Peter’s College staff members.


St Peter’s College would like to congratulation Bradley Scammell. Brad currently champions the role of Middle Years Curriculum Leader at St Peter’s College - Clyde North campus, with his passion for empowering teachers. Brad is recognised for the various Professional Learning initiatives he consistently provides to all staff at St Peter’s College, which ultimately lead not only to great improvements in student learning outcomes, but also significant growth in collective teacher efficacy. 


Brad has completed his Master of Education in Evidence Based Teaching and is a member of the Curriculum Team. Brad’s work outside the classroom demonstrates his commitment to contemporary pedagogy. 

Congratulations is also extended to Michael Ling. Michael was St Peter’s first specialist STEM teacher and was a key driver of the establishment of the subject. His commitment to providing an educational experience that is attuned to the needs of today’s students is truly inspiring.


He has utilised a host of evidence-based teaching strategies to help promote and excite each of his students to learn science and mathematics in a contemporary and meaningful way. Michael has also been a key contributor in helping establish a collaborative teaching culture at St Peter’s College, being a strong advocate and invaluable contributor in our Collaborative Teaching Teams.


St Peter’s College would like to recognise the significant work and contributions both Brad and Michael make to our College. Congratulations to Brad and Michael for your achievements and dedication to teaching and education. 





Congratulations is also extended to Kiara St Mart, Year 12 student from the class of 2023. Kiara was awarded the Pauline Hunt scholarship to support her teaching studies over the next four years.


School Advisory Committee 2024 – 2025


The School Advisory Committee‘s role includes acting as an advisory body to the principal on matters concerning education in the school. It also functions as a forum for discussion on matters concerning education in the school, providing a link between the parish priest, principal, teachers and parishioners in relation to the provision of Catholic education. At our recent Annual General Meeting elections were held to welcome in the new committee for 2024-2025. Please join me in congratulating the following members who were appointed: 


Mr Keith St Mart – Chairperson

Mr Naomi Bartlett – Deputy Chairperson

Mr Phillip Mustey – Secretary

Fr Denis O’Bryan – St Thomas the Apostle Parish

Fr Antony Rebelo – St Agatha Parish

Mr Tony Lupeamanu – Parent and member of St Agatha’s Parish

Mrs Marilyn Gonsalves – Parent and member of St Thomas the Apostle Parish

Mr Tim Cortese – Parent

Mr Bradley Scammell – Staff Member


I thank them in advance of their counsel and support.


School Saving Bonus


Recently the Allan Labor Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools. 


This is deeply unfair. We believe the payment should be means tested for all students or apply to all students. It should not be based on which school you attend.  This current policy punishes families for choosing to send their children to a Catholic school. Our school, and the peak body, the Victorian Catholic Education Authority, are working hard to oppose this policy and we need your help. We need to show the Victorian Government that punishing families who choose a Catholic school is unacceptable.

Please consider contacting your local Member of Parliament to express your concern.

Our school’s local MP is Ms Pauline Richards and she can be contacted by calling 5996 2901 or by emailing A template letter is available here to assist you with making your voice heard and I thank you in anticipation of advocating for your family and our school.


Enjoy the week ahead.


Mr Chris Black
