Learning & Teaching News


(And Feedback session)

We want to hear from you

We believe Family Engagement at OHR is a shared and continuous responsibility between our families and the School. This partnership actively reinforces learning and supports both student growth and wellbeing.


Engaging in your child’s learning involves conversations and working alongside each other to optimise learning outcomes. We recognise that families have a powerful place in children’s development and in collaborating together, meaningful learning is enhanced.


It was great to see so many parents attending our recent learning walk.  To build on these opportunities, we are offering a FREE COFFEE to any parent who can make time to come and have a chat to us. We need your feedback around how OHR can support and help parents engage in their child’s learning.  What are your questions? Thoughts? Ideas? 

This community conversation is part of our work to address our 2024-2027 goal “To strengthen the role of families to partner in the education of students”


Date: Wednesday June 5th

Time: 8.45-9.45am  (Okay to leave earlier if you need)

Tea drinkers are accepted!

Public Speaking Competition 2024

Public Speaking supports children to develop confidence and build their self-esteem. Confidence in public speaking is a valuable and vital, life long skill for all children to have.

At Our Holy Redeemer, we value Public Speaking greatly and provide our students with many opportunities to speak in front of small groups, to their class, and in front of the whole school at Assembly.


In line with the Victorian Curriculum we aim to instill strong Public Speaking skills in all our students from Foundation through to Year 6. This program is supported by a whole school focus on the development of different text types in our Writing lessons. Our Holy Redeemer conducts a whole school Public Speaking Competition every year and we are proud of its long standing tradition.


In 2024 we are conducting our Competition in Term Two.  The Final will be on MONDAY 17th June.  For those families planning their Winter Getaways, please be aware that if your child makes the Final, they must be at school on this day. Online submissions will not be accepted.

Math's Talent Quest 2024

Registrations are open for MTQ 2024! Proposals or questions can be emailed to me at phansen@ohrsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au by 11th May. More details below.