General News

Year 6 Debating
On Wednesday, our team—Regina, Ronika, Chloe, and I, (Edessa)—went up against North Rocks Public for our very first debate of the year. The topic for our debate was "We should ban all tests in primary schools," with Roselea being affirmative. Sadly, we came to a very tight loss. Although we lost, we were given some feedback that will be used in future debates. All in all, we had a very fun day and can’t wait for our next debate!
By Edessa
Reconciliation Week
From the Office:
Please attend to the following correspondence:
- Muru Mittigar
- Stage 2 Field of Mars excursion
- Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival
- Stage 3 Camp Milson Island
Lost Property
Please label all school clothing, hats, lunch boxes and drink bottles. A number of new hats and jackets have been handed in without names; please check the lost property area at the bottom of D block.