Careers & VET News

Transitional Pathways, Careers & VET 


Career opportunities and information continues to be available for McCarthy students.


Events in Term 2


Year 10 students attended a Careers presentation on the options available to them and received a copy of the 2024 Year 10 Careers Booklet.

  • The University of Sydney visited McCarthy to speak to interested students and an information evening  for students and parents was attended by a number of our students.
  • Year 10 Allied Health Work Experience Program - Last week Francine Baga, Sienna Fielder, Mikayala Hunter and Celia Van Ingen were invited to participate in the Allied Health Work Experience Program at Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital. The students had the chance to learn from allied health professionals, through hands-on practical activities, skills lab and hospital campus tours. Throughout the 3 days the students were able to discover their interests and passions as they explored the potential career paths in the rewarding world of allied health.

Events coming up in Term 2

  • University Information Evening for Year 11 and 12 students and parents/carers. This will be held in the Rosary Theatre on Tuesday 25th June 6pm-7pm. The presentation will cover all aspects of applying, key dates, what needs to be considered and done by both students and parents/carers this year.  It is beneficial for Year 11 students and their parents/carers to give them an insight and time to prepare for what will occur.  

University of Newcastle parents carers information session in Tamworth 19th June


 University of Newcastle Schools Visit Day  - 4th June.  After a break due to Covid, it is great to see that this event resumes in 2024. Students in Year 11 and 12 who have completed an Expression of Interest survey will be invited to attend this excursion to visit the University of Newcastle, do tours of the campus and accommodation, attend presentations on courses and all aspects of applying and study at the University. 



A Reminder for students to check their school emails


Students are reminded to check their emails daily. The Transition Team will submit numerous Expression of Interests (EOI) for training, professional learning and/or fantastic events. Recently a student survey was sent asking students in Years 10 - 12 to submit an EOI regarding white card training for mid to late November. If you haven’t done so already, please complete the survey.


Careers Classrooms and Codes


Students are encouraged to join the Google Classrooms which relate directly to their interests and needs. The classrooms and codes are:


Universities and UAC Code: 2yz6h6sPart time jobs Code: o76i4pv
Apprenticeships, Traineeships & Work Experience Code: d6i57boFull time jobs Code: xehfpmy

Careers@McCarthy website


Information for students and parents/carers can be found on the careers website which can be accessed through this link.



Shane Vesey-Wells

Leader of Learning - Transitions


Susan Barrett

Careers Adviser (University & Subject Selection)


Samantha Cox

Careers & VET Support Officer, Education Assistant