
Heather Burke
Sally Sparke
Nicole Anderson
Heather Burke
Sally Sparke
Nicole Anderson


Term 2 Parent Information Evening


The first Parent Information Evening was held on 28 May. It was encouraging to see so many parents attend. This was a wonderful opportunity to build community and welcome the  involvement and insights of our families. 


The first session provided updates in the areas of teaching and learning. Information about how data is used, effective teaching pedagogies, embedded literacy and writing across the curriculum and an overview of the Annual Improvement Plan were presented. 

The aim of these sessions is to offer a structured and informative approach to keeping you informed and involved in your child's educational journey.  Next term the evening will have a focus on our wellbeing programs.


Reports and Student /Parent /Teacher  Conferences

A reminder that Student/Parent/Teacher conferences will be occurring for Years 7 - 11 in the last week of this term, on Tuesday 2nd July. Reports for all students in Years 7-11 will be released via COMPASS in Week 9 and bookings for the conferences will open at the same time.  


Transition to Yr 11 update

Recently, Mrs Barrett and Mr Vesey-Wells shared a number of resources with Year 10 for initial career exploration and Yr 10 students were surveyed about their future intentions. The data from this survey has helped streamline the sharing of information, particularly for students who indicated an interest in an SBAT pathway. In Week 9 students and their families will be given a link to enable them to see the subjects on offer at the College next year.  A Parent Information evening on Tuesday 30 July (Week 2), will explore the Post Year 10 options available and discuss the Subject Selection and Interview process for those students who intend to return to the College in 2025. 


Please continue to encourage Year 10 students to check their email and COMPASS regularly for relevant information. 



NESA Assessment Rules

In order to ensure a fair and equitable assessment process NESA requires that all Schools and students follow a set of protocols for Stage 6 Assessment tasks. Students must ensure that

  • They complete all assessment tasks.
  • If they are sick on the day of a task they contact the office to notify the school that they will be absent.
  • On their first day back at school they complete a Misadventure form attaching any supporting documentation such as a Doctor Certificate and see the Leader of Learning.
  • They do not gain an unfair advantage including absenting themselves from class or school to work on a task or by taking material into the examination room. Students will be penalised for taking material into an examination room, even if they do not use it. 
  • They do not work on assessments during any class, unless it is a requirement of the task.
  • If absent either on the day of or the day before a task is due they must provide a Doctors Certificate.
  • They submit their own work and not rely on tutors or technology to produce their assessments.  All students have completed the All my Own Work module to support their understanding of this rules.

The consequences for not following the assessment protocols include being entered on NESA’s Malpractice Register, and potentially the loss of marks.


Year 12 Students should familiarise themselves with the rules and examination protocols before the Trials. These can be found on the NESA website in the Rules and Procedures Handbook.


Sally Sparke 

Assistant Principal - Curriculum


Heather  Burke

Leader of Pedagogy/Curriculum


Nicole Anderson

Leader of Pedagogy/Literacy