Prayer and Reflection

A Prayer at the Dominican Gates  


Dear Jesus, thank you for the gifts you have given me inside the gates of McCarthy Catholic College,

my  life as a student, the love of my family, friends and teachers.

Help me to know myself better as I pray, study, and decide on my life’s work.

Help me to see and understand 

the gateway to eternal life you open for me.

Help me to choose a life’s work

which will develop all my potential

and allow me to respond fully to your love for me.

Give me a generous heart 

with which to answer your challenging call

and the strength to follow wherever you lead. 



Prayer inspired by Chloe Solberg (Yr 7 2015)


Mission at MCC 


The prayer above is one from the Dominican Priory gates station in our MCC Prayer Walk. The stations in the prayer walk feature the statues and religious iconography that symbolise the founding charisms of McCarthy Catholic College, St Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order and Blessed Edmund Rice, who founded the Christian Brothers. Both orders were responsible for establishing Catholic Education in Tamworth, and hence are important for who we are at McCarthy and where we have come from. Acquainting and re-aquainting staff with the McCarthy Catholic College story was the focus of our recent Staff Spiritual Development Day. An additional part of the day was devoted to learning about Dadirri Spirituality with Karen Tighe and Lisa Smith and working in House teams to develop ways to bring the charisms of the House Patrons (Dominic, Femund Rice, MacKillop, Chisholm, Siena and Assisi) present and alive in everyday life at McCarthy Catholic College.      


Mission and Liturgy Report


In week seven, Chisholm House celebrated their House Mass in honour of Caroline Chisholm and the contribution she made to Government assisted migrants to Australia in the 1800’s. Father Saji presided over the Mass and used the Mass for Holy Men and Women so that we could honour her special charism and passion for just treatment of migrants. 


Friday 14th June was the annual St Vinnie’s Tacky Trackie Day, a fundraiser organised by the St Agnes Conference for St Vincent de Paul Society here at school. The event raised $764 for the Vinnies Winter Appeal.  


We will finish the Term with a voluntary Mass on Wednesday 26th June in week nine.