Student Leadership

Term 3 Captains Conference - Supporting student voice and agency
This week our student leaders got together for a full day workshop. There were many issues, events, and programs that we worked on throughout the day. The morning sessions focused on curriculum feedback, and we thank Imogen Lazarus and Johanna Santarossa from the curriculum team for being part of the discussions. We also looked the progress being made with the NHS Reconciliation Action Plan and spent time planning and preparing for Reconciliation week and NAIDOC week.
The afternoon was spent working on Sub-School projects. Junior School and Sports Captains have planned a range of engaging connect lessons that will get students moving. Middle School worked on event planning and the Year 10 opt-in First Aid Course. Senior Students focused on preparations for De-Stress Day and planning for a Term 3 interschool leadership event.
Thanks to everyone for their contribution to making the day a productive success. Remember your student leadership team is there to support the student community to have a voice and agency at Northcote High School. So, speak to them about your ideas and feedback.
Congratulations and welcome to our new Year 7 leaders Adele Lenne, Lilly Gardiner, Nelleke Mathews and Finn Nassima.
School Tours
Over Term 1 and 2, a large number of students have led prospective students and families on School Tours around Northcote High School.
This year our Tours were fully student led, seeing 2 x Tour Leaders (Year 8 & 9 students) taking the tour with an experience Tour Supervisor (Year 10-12 students) for support. These are positions that students nominate for and undergo training and support to become experts in information about the whole school, and get to share their own personal experience of the school with families.
The feedback we have had from our visiting families is a testament to what an exceptional job these students have done. Across our regular Tours and Open Morning this year, they have taken over 1200 students and families around the school!! What an achievement.
A huge thank you to:
Our Tour Supervisors this year:
- Erica Giorgedakis, Myrina Roussos, Brenna Stojcevski, Charlie Mitchell, Ilana Scott, Yasmin Elsakawy, Yianna Giorgedakis, Thea Niall, Acacia Schipper
Our Tour Supervisors this year:
- Azura Baglioni, Lukesh Krishnapillai, Phillip Evans, Zara Bonadio, Grace Barker, Maisie Tennant, Georgia Barlow, Remy Webber, Zachary Vardy
After our last school Tour on Tuesday, we had a morning tea to celebrate the success of the year and thank students for all their time and effort.