Out and About the School

St Xavier's School Band
On Thursday 23 May our school band attended the 72nd Gunnedah Eisteddfod in the Primary Brass/Concert Band section. We wish to thank Mr Laurence Rowe for his expertise and patience working with our students. Congratulations to all the students involved for their outstanding performances.
Gunnedah Eisteddfod
Over the past two weeks our school participated in the 72nd Gunnedah Eisteddfod. We had entries from every grade in Music, Speech and Drama with some outstanding results in across the board. Well done to our Students, Teachers and a special thank you to the Parents that had to arrange costumes for their children.
NSW Junior Chess Competition
On Thursday 6 June, St Xavier's hosted the Gunnedah Zone Chess Tournament, part of the NSW Primary Schools Chess Competition. We hosted 5 schools - Gunnedah South, Gunnedah Public, Curlewis, St Lawrence's Coonabarabran, and Coonabarabran Public School. A total of 18 teams, and 64 players took part. The competition was tough but played in a friendly manner. All children are to be congratulated on their sportsmanship and good manners. St Xavier's A Team was victorious on the day and will go on to play in the next round in Term 3. A special shout out to Mr Heap and Mr Samson who came in to help adjudicate the matches.
Diocesan Schools Debating Competition
On Tuesday 4 June, our debate team, Ruby Cygan, Laura Donoghue, Georgie Thompson and Victor Egan, competed in this round of the Diocesan Debating competition. Our topic for debate was "Children under 18 should not be on social media" in which we debated for the affirmative side. Our team was narrowly beaten by Holy Trinity Inverell on the day.
National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability.