Principals Message

Dear parents and carers,
Term Two is certainly is a multifaceted term. Our students have been involved so far in Eisteddfod items, sport representation, Naplan, the Message Stick activities, Catholic Schools Week, a Book Fair, a Regional Chess Competition and National Simultaneous Storytime being the main ones.
During all this the classrooms continue operating efficiently and the learning is evident every day. The staff are currently collecting and analysing many samples of each child’s data in order to write the mid year reports. Whilst I write this article I can hear the collaborative conversation of two teachers deeply discussing students and where they are at currently and where they need to go next in their learning. The co-teaching model continues to provide us with many opportunities to build strong connections and allows your children to have double the expertise!
As we head into the thick of winter and cough, flu and cold time please make sure your child is at school every single day if possible. The impact of having days off is visible in the children’s learning outcomes and continues through to their life choices in years to come. The following tables show the data on missing school.
The best gift you can give your child is a good education. Allowing children to have a day or two off does nothing for their future life choices. Obviously I do not mean sick days. Today I heard a student say that her parents made her be here today as she is a leader and it is school photo day, even though the family were at an out of school event. Thank you to that family!
At St Xavier’s we want literate, numerate students for a hope filled future, let’s make every day count.
Kind regards,