Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Focus

We are looking forward to having our student leaders back to lead our next PBL focus. We are working on a Safe focus over the next fortnight - Being in the right place and moving safely at school.


Students are working on:


*Being in the right place in the mornings

*Being in the right place at eating times

*Moving safely around the school


PBL Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Ellie-Mae Braaksma-Steer

KMB - Marshall Fairhall

KW - Aaliyah Elads

1D - Salah Ward

1L - Tahlia Houston

2RG - Parker Strickland

2/3B - Isaac Hampton

3ML - James Armstrong

3N - Finn Darrington

4S - Leon Jeffrey

4M - Liam Arnold

4/5WP - Payton Bull

5BG - Sophia Foster

6G - Amelia Alaban

6D - Sebastian Wiseman