Principal's Message 

Mr Tom Bagnall

Over the last few weeks, it has been great to see all of our students hard at work, whilst teachers are writing the end of Semester 1 reports! Last week, we also began our whole school approach to behaviour by starting to explicitly teach students what is expected during eating time, and there has already been a noticeable improvement! This will be followed by teaching a procedure for ‘Lining Up’ and you may hear your children talking about this, especially when moving around the school.


Swimming Lessons

During Weeks 8 and 9 (4-14 June), students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 are taking part in swimming lessons at Balga. If you have not yet paid or returned the form, you will be contacted shortly to see if your child is participating.


Please make sure that all clothing and personal items are labelled, as we usually find that lots of lost property is found over these two weeks!


School Development Day

At the end of next week we have our Term 2, School Development Day on Friday. On this day, students do not attend and staff will be focusing on 3 key areas of our school, these being:

- School Review Preparation

- Positive Behaviour Support

- Reading fluency program for students

Please remember, this also backs on to the WA Day public holiday, and students return to school on Tuesday 4 June.


Canteen Changes

Just a reminder that as of Monday 13 May (last week), the P&C association have made the decision to reduce the days that the canteen operates to ensure that it is financially viable. This means that the canteen now only operates on a Thursday and Friday.


Upcoming Dates – Term 2

This term has lots of dates set aside already, and a few more to be added! Some to be aware of so far are:

24 May – Cross Country @ Marangaroo PS

31 May – School Development Day

3 June – WA Day public holiday

4 June – 14 June – Swimming Lessons


I hope that everyone has a fantastic end to the week, and as always, please feel free to come in and speak with me if you have any questions or concerns.


Tom Bagnall
