Term Planner Events

Coming Up....
Faction Cross Country, this Friday 24 May, 9am-12noon.
Time | Year Group | Gender |
9.00 | 5/6 | Girls |
9.20 | 5/6 | Boys |
9.40 | 3/4 | Girls |
10.10 | 3/4 | Boys |
11.15 | 1/2 | Girls |
11.30 | 1/2 | Boys |
Spectators are welcome to attend and support the participant, but please remain at the top of the hill near the undercover area.
Reconciliation Week
To honour Reconciliation Week, we have organised a symbolic walk on Wednesday 29 May for our students and community. Kindergarten to Year 2 will be walking around the school oval, while year 3 to year 6 will be walking down Giralt Rd and around Cabrini Park before returning to school. This event is open to families who wish to participate.
Then on Thursday the 30th we will be doing “wear it yellow” in support of Children’s Ground (support for first nations kids). Students can come dressed in yellow for a gold coin donation.
Student Free Days in Term 2: Please make note of the following dates in your diary as there are NO STUDENTS at school on these dates.
- Friday 31 May - School Development Day (Teachers ONLY onsite)
- Monday 3 June - WA Day Public Holiday