Living with Strength and Kindliness

Over the past week we have participated in a number of activities in observation of Reconciliation Week, reaffirming our commitment to this important journey at St Joseph's. 


In celebration this Monday, our student leaders organised a game of Burjoin on both campuses, which was enjoyed by students and staff.


We also recently participated in the First Nations Immersion program, conducted by Kildare Ministries, in Echuca. Following this enriching experience, our students gathered to debrief and document their encounters and discoveries.


Reconciliation Liturgy & Assembly

Last Tuesday we came together as a whole school for a very special Reconciliation Week Liturgy and assembly hosted by Nicholls House.

The theme of our event reflected the Reconciliation Week 2024 theme of ‘Now more than ever’.

Now more than ever the work continues. In treaty making, in truth-telling, in understanding our history, in education, and in tackling racism. We need connection. We need respect. We need action. And we need change.

We must share and listen to the stories of hope that have flowed from the First Nations communities and through their daily lives, and the acts of courage that have brought us to this time in our history.



Commissioning of Fire Carriers

As part of our ongoing work towards reconciliation, we held a commissioning ceremony for our present and future staff and student FIRE Carriers during our Reconciliation Liturgy last week.


FIRE Carriers - Friends Igniting Reconciliation and Education - are very special people who work to raise awareness and implement experiences and understanding in line with the four elements of the Fire Carrier Covenant. These are Spirituality; Cultural Recognition & Awareness; Practical Responsibilities & Justice; and Ecological Stewardship.

Our new Fire Carriers are:


Teachers: Alison O'Brien, Kyle Coates, Sarah Mai, Matthew Butler, Ged Ryan and Justin Cantwell


Students: Oliver Hearn & Pryce McMaster


Our FIRE carriers are the living flames that will ignite the Fire of Reconciliation of true justice, love, compassion and hope for the world today. Congratulations to you all.



Kildare Ministries


This past week I had the privilege to gather with faith and learning leaders from Kildare Ministries.  This time of learning was an opportunity to reconnect and look at how we are enacting our theme of Hope. We spoke about this in light of our Living Justice Living Peace Charter. This charter provides a road map for our mission and deepens the Kildare Ministries’ vision, mission and values.


​Jesus called for creative and revolutionary changes. He taught by word and example. Our work in the community is to live in a manner in which our compassion, love and reconciliation leads to justice and peace for all. 


Specifically the charter identifies four aspects of Jesus’ ministry:

• Walking in Solidarity

• Seeking Change

• Inviting and Welcoming All

• Healing Creation


At St Joseph’s we are seeking to enliven this charter through the lens of Hope this year. In light of this learning and Reconciliation Week, I share with you our LJLP leader Cora Wilson’s extract from a recent address to our students. 


“But reconciliation is not just about acknowledging the past; it's also about actively working towards a future where Indigenous cultures are respected, where their rights are upheld, and where true reconciliation is achieved.” 


In our year of Hope: Launching Us into a Future of Endless Possibilities - we are inspired by the diverse voices and opportunities within our community. We are reminded of our responsibility to share these opportunities and work collaboratively with everyone, valuing and listening to the voices of all.



Lee Pethybridge

College Leader - Faith and Community