Kildare Campus Update

Great progress is being made on the all-weather shelter over our multipurpose sports courts at Kildare Campus. 


The concrete footings were poured in late April and were required to cure for 4 weeks before the next stage of works could commence.


Construction of the Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA) structure started mid-last week, with the steel frame now up.


The membrane fabric covering will start this week, and the civils (down pipes and drainage), as well as the installation of lighting, will commence the following week.


We are aiming for completion by mid-June, weather dependant of course.


We look forward to sharing further details as this exciting project evolves.


The Hands on Learning crew have been busy building and installing some new sports equipment for Gaga Ball and 9 Square In The Air at Kildare Campus!


What a clever crew they are! The students at Kildare Campus are going to love playing on the new equipment!



Winter Wellness

As the days grow shorter, the temperatures drop, and winter officially settles in we are invited to cozy up indoors and indulge in comforting foods.  However, along with the allure of warmth and hearty meals, the winter season also brings a heightened risk of illness. To fend off the winter blues and stay in optimal health, here are some expert tips to keep you healthy:


1/ Boost your diet

Fill your plate with plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables so your body has adequate amounts of nutrition and energy, therefore keeping your immune system strong. Vegetable soups or stews are an easy way to get a large quantity of vitamins, minerals and fibre to keep you strong and healthy throughout the season.


2/ Stay hydrated

Unlike summer, dehydration is less noticeable during the colder months and can sneak up on us. It’s important to ensure you are still drinking plenty of water each day. Even mild dehydration can lead to headaches, fatigue and problems with concentration. If cold water is too much to handle in the cold weather, try mixing it with some boiled water with lemon for a soothing alternative.


3/ Keep moving

While the temptation to hibernate indoors is strong during chilly mornings and evenings, it’s important to maintain regular exercise throughout winter. Make your physical activity social and fun – go for a brisk walk with family or participate in some indoor fitness classes. Regular exercise naturally improves your health and fitness, putting your body in a better position to fight off any potential colds or infections.


4/ Sleep well

Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to bacteria or viruses, such as the common cold. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule, how much sleep you get also affects how quickly you recover from your sickness. The average adult needs about eight hours of sleep to fully recharge, avoid caffeinated drinks in the afternoon or evening, limit screen-use before bed and ensure your room is a comfortable temperature. Being too cold (or too hot!) can affect your brain’s ability to switch off.


5/ Practice hygiene and be careful around people. 

Guard against winter germs by washing your hands often, particulary before meals and after touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Carrying an alcohol-based hand sanitiser in your bag can assist with cleaning your hands when you are in a public place. Don’t share the same glass, utensils or towels as others, and be careful of anyone who has a fever, cold or flu.


By adopting these strategies, we not only safeguard our own wellbeing but also extend our care to those who may be more susceptible to illness, such as young children, the elderly, and individuals with underlying health conditions.  Together, let’s prioritise health and resilience as we navigate the winter season.



Jarrod O'Brien

Director - Kildare Campus