Brigidine Campus Update

One of the highlights of the term has been our annual LM Netball competition. Over 6 weeks and 29 games we have managed to find our champion LM from the 30 LMs on Brigidine Campus. Last week we had the semi finals culminating in the grand final on Friday lunchtime.


Semi final 1: Patrick 5 v Nicholls 1, with P5 winning 9-2

Semi final 2: Moore 2 v Nicholls 5, with Moore 2 winning 9-5


The grand final was tipped to be a close contest, and after the first quarter Patrick 5 were up 6-1. Moore 2 pegged back the lead in the second quarter and went ahead in the second half to win convincingly 17 - 9.


Well done Moore 2!!


Thanks to all LMs for getting teams organised and to Imogen B, Meaghan G, Michaela W and Sienna P who volunteered to umpire all the games for us.


Mobile Phone Policy

We are starting to see a number of students have more than one infringement notice for using their mobile phone at school. As a reminder, the mobile phone policy states that phones should be off and in bags or lockers as soon as students enter the school grounds, and they can be accessed at 3.15pm when leaving school. Phones being used at school are handed to the teacher and taken to Student Services for collection at the end of the day. Parents would receive a Compass chronicle note in relation to this. After a third infringement, parents will be notified by phone/email and asked to collect the phone from Student Services. On the rare occasion that a student continues to use their phone at school and receives a 4th infringement, in consultation with their House Leader, they will be required to have their phone locked in a safe pouch each day, which will then be unlocked at the end of each day. Students would need to do this for a minimum of a week.


Over the coming weeks there is a lot happening here at Brigidine Campus. 

  • We wish the Yr 10s and 11s good luck for their exams. We trust that their consistent approach to a revision program will help them to achieve some good results.
  • The Year 9s head to Rose’s Gap at the Grampians for their camp next week. Thanks to Mrs Shari Gotch for the 6 months of preparation to make the camp a success. Thanks also to the staff who have generously given up their time to make the camp happen. Students will be challenged on some of the activities, which is great because that is where the personal growth happens. We look forward to hearing all about it on their return.
  • On 17 June, students will start their new Semester 2 subjects. This is a great opportunity to start well and set strong foundations for a great semester of learning.
  • In the last week of term the Year 10s head to Melbourne for the Careers Camp. There are so many great workshops on offer for students to learn more about the vast array of careers that exist. For some students it will be their first visit to some of Melbourne’s universities. Thanks to Mrs Beth Crossman for organising all the workshops and for the work done with Mrs Shari Gotch to organise the camp, and again a huge thank you to the staff for volunteering to attend which allows the camp to occur. We hope the students enjoy navigating their way around Melbourne, that they listen well and ask lots of questions and come home with a renewed enthusiasm for what their future might look like.


Geraldine Ryan

Director - Brigidine Campus