Principal's Report 

Our combined Reconciliation Liturgy and Whole School Assembly last week was a wonderful acknowledgement and celebration of working with and for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our students are always very respectful in these spaces and I would like to thank them for their continued support in this area.


In the last newsletter I wrote about our expectations and this week our focus shifts to our partnerships. Our staff work really closely with families to achieve positive outcomes for our students, this takes time, planning and incredible flexibility and effort; all of which our staff are prepared to offer. Whilst I understand there can be high levels of emotion involved when our student is your child, I do want to reassure you that we are coming from the same place as families; one of love, care, support and a desire to achieve the absolute best outcome for the young person that we minister to on a daily basis. 

We acknowledge that personal circumstances can significantly influence student behaviour and please trust that we will always try our best to explore different options to suit individual students but we can not tolerant inappropriate behaviour or blatant disrespect towards staff, other students or College property, and so in those circumstances appropriate action will need to be taken. We hope for your support and understanding in these circumstances.


Over the next couple of weeks students in Year 10 and 11 will sit their Semester 1 examinations and as always, we wish them well. Year 9 students will be preparing for their camp which is guaranteed to include many exciting learning experiences for them. 


On June 17 there will be the change over of semester subjects; a time to reset, refresh and start again. There have already been some incredible student achievements in Term 1 in and out of the classroom and we look forward to what will come in Term 2.


God Bless.



Anne Marie Cairns
