Library News

Refugee Awareness Week


Refugee week is approaching and this year our spotlight is on author and painter Anh Do. Anh is a prominent Australian personality who has authored a range of children’s books and is also a well-known painter and recognised for his hosting of the ABC TV interview series 'A Brush with Fame'. Anh has his own refugee story, escaping with his family from Vietnam before coming to Australia.





Issues in Society Collection

Issues in Society titles are topical, cross-curricular resources and have been used extensively in Australian secondary schools, TAFE colleges, universities, and public libraries. The Library has a collection of these magazines on topical issues that provide background and factual data on each topic. Students can borrow these from the display.


Recommendation of the Week

The Magic Faraway Tree Collection by Enid Blyton


This week our teacher recommendation came from the wonderful Miss Filkin at the Kildare Campus. The book she has recommended is a collection of stories written by a highly acclaimed British author, Enid Blyton. Enid began writing at an early age and her first book was published in 1922. But it wasn’t until 1939 that she published the first book in the Magic Faraway Tree series, entitled The Enchanted Wood. The Magic Faraway Tree series has been republished many times with different illustrations and continues to be loved by children and families just as it was many years ago. The stories centre around siblings Joe, Beth and Frannie who move to a new home, and find an Enchanted Wood is on their doorstep. And when they discover the Faraway Tree, it proves to be the beginning of many magical adventures! We are introduced to friends Moonface, Saucepan Man and Silky the Fairy as they discover which new land is at the top of the Faraway Tree. Will it be the Land of Spells, the Land of Treats, or the Land of Do-As-You-Please? Come on an amazing adventure – there’ll be adventures waiting whatever happens.



Our libraries are wonderful spaces to be enjoyed by all, but we are still seeing students coming in and not respecting the space. Please remember these rules apply over both campuses:

  • No gum
  • No food or drink (except water)
  • Safe use of furniture
  • No movement of furniture
  • Leave spaces tidy and free of rubbish


Enjoy the week ahead and, as always, keep on reading!


The St Joseph’s Brigidine & Kildare Library Team