Excursions & Immersions

Share a Meal at Echuca Neighbourhood House

Our Year 11 & 12 Vocational Major (VM) students participated in their annual community shared meal project at Echuca Neighbourhood House (ENH) recently.


The students received supplies from Food Bank, created a menu based on the goodies provided, and then cooked up an amazing feast to share with the community.

The initiative is a free community event and is a great way for our students to develop communication skills as they work with each other, staff at ENH and with the clients who come to share the meal.


Congratulations to all involved!


Fosterville Gold Mine


The VCE VM students visited Fosterville Gold Mine as part of their Work Related Skills Class this week.


After attending an all important safety briefing, which included participating in a whole site evacuation drill, students were lucky enough to tour the facility.


As part of the tour, students witnessed the open cut mine that leads to an 8km long tunnel where mining operations are currently underway.


They also had the opportunity to tour the gold extraction facilities and visit the light vehicle workshop where vehicles are serviced weekly.


Students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were interested to learn all about the broad range of career options available in the mining industry including electricians, office administration, explosive experts, geologists and under ground miners.


Fun fact: the underground vehicles go through a set of tyres a month!



Chisholm House Celebration Day


On Tuesday, Chisholm House celebrated their patron Caroline Chisholm and spent time together as a community reflecting on what it means to be a member of Chisholm House with a Mass and shared lunch. Thanks to Fr Novie for taking the time to spend with us in our celebrations and also the effort he spent on writing a meaningful Homily centred around Caroline Chisholm and her work and why it is always important to give back to community and God. It provided a wonderful opportunity to pause, and all students are to be congratulated for the respect they displayed.


After there was plenty of food to share at the community center and time for Chisholm students from both campuses to talk and enjoy each other's company. Thanks to all who made the day possible. 



Bronwyn Chatfield

Chisholm House Leader - Kildare Campus