Health Centre

Whooping cough is currently in the Mitchell Shire region 

Signs and symptoms of whooping cough

Whooping cough usually starts with cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose and dry cough, which last for about one week. After that, a more definite cough develops, which may last for 10 weeks or more. The cough comes in long spells and often ends with a high-pitched 'whoop' sound when the child breathes in. Some children cough so much they vomit afterwards. Children are usually well between coughing spells. Babies under six months of age may have pauses in breathing (called apnoeas) instead of a cough. In more severe cases, babies and children may have problems catching their breath after a coughing spell. Other infections such as pneumonia (chest infection) and middle ear infections are common while children have whooping cough.