Senior School

Old Treasury Building Excursion

Going to the Old Treasury Building on Tuesday provided more perspective on our history as we dive through the modern Australian experience. We were given the opportunity to expand our knowledge by examining primary sources such as Aboriginal glass tools, political propaganda and legislation of the times. The exposure to this information of our past was highly beneficial to give more background to our coursework delving into the Australian home front during the world wars.

VM News

This term has been busy for 11 and 12 VM students. 


As part of PDS (Personal Development Skills), we started off the term where students planned and organised team building activities, as well as ‘getting to know you’ activities. They set up a BBQ, followed by a fishing competition; it is important for our students to practice their employability skills such as communication, teamwork and problem solving. 

In April, students visited the Shrine of Remembrance for Legacy’s 92nd Annual ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony; it was an honour to represent the school and allow our students to have that experience. VM (previously VCAL), have a long history of supporting and learning about veterans and this year we are making a video. 

Our students also earned their first aid certificates and their white card. 

For WRS (Work Related Skills), we went to a worksite in South Melbourne where there are three 28 story apartment buildings being built, that is a CMFEU site. We got to see the different stages of building, all the different trades and how they work together, and the differences between union and non-union sites.

On Monday 13th May, VM have organised an awareness day for ‘Do it for Dolly’ and ‘The Blue Tree Project’. Please dress in blue, donate your gold coin, and come and buy a sausage and listen to live music at second break.