Principal's Report

Debbie Oliver

Seymour College Open Day

It was great to see so many families attending our Open Day a couple of weeks ago. We are opening our school again this Thursday, 16th May, for students and families of prospective Year 7s in 2025. Please see the flyer below.


We have just recently completed our Secondary Taster days for Years 5 and 6 students from our feeder primary schools. Great to see students from Avenel, Nagambie, Puckapunyal, and Heathcote in our classrooms cooking, experimenting, and generally learning what life might be like in a Secondary School. We will continue to connect with our primary schools and will have some of our students from smaller primary schools join us in the near future.


This week is education week and the spotlight is on  STEM, highlighting the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond. Keep an eye out for this week's "Seymour Telegraph" which highlights some of the innovative teaching we are doing in this space.


Our Primary classrooms will also be open this Thursday, 16th May week, from 2.30 pm for family visits; enter via the General Office. So come along and participate with your child in some learning opportunities.


Have a great week!



Debbie Oliver
