Junior School 

(Years 7 and 8)

Year 7 Camp Reflections  |  Junior School Team  |  Reminders

Year 7 Camp Reflections


On Monday we went to Forest Edge camp. We got to do lots of activities such as the Flying Fox, which was the 2nd longest in Victoria and the 3rd longest in Australia, Archery, Cooking and Nine Square, Crate climb, Riddle rogain, team initiatives. The food was great and was the best food I had ever had at camp. The chicken schnitzel actually tasted like chicken schnitzel. There were loads of birds and one of the instructors said there were 70 different species of birds at camp but usually around 40 species every 6 months. The talent show was amazing and Jai won with a comedy show about making pizza. Overall I think it was the best camp I have ever been on and I would recommend this camp to anyone who would like a challenge solving riddles and having a chill mid-air on the flying fox. - Alessio C.


This year we went to Forest Edge Camp. My favourite things about the place were the cabins and the flying fox/zipline. Some activities we did were flying fox, archery, crateclimb, rock climbing, scavenger hunt and more. In my cabin were Sayen, Kellzie, Kyla, Katie which were most of my friends I put on my preferences. I recommend this camp to other year 7s and other year levels because it encourages you to work as a team and you make lots of new friends and you meet lots of new people. Overall this is a really good camp and I had lots of fun there. - Georgia H.


I went to Forest Edge Camp on Monday the 22nd of April and left on the 24th of April. I enjoyed having a friend in my cabin and being able to create new friendships with 2 other people in my cabin and another girl from my activity group. My highlight was probably rock climbing since I was able to do it very fast. We had other activities like the flying fox, archery, crate stacking, initiatives, board games and a scavenger hunt. The food wasn't horrid but it wasn't the best either, overall I think my camp experience was good. I think my activity group was a good mix of people, and I recommend next year's Year 7s going. - Juliet B.


This year we went to Forest Edge for our year 7 camp! Most of the year 7’s went but a small group of them didn't. In my cabin were Kellzie, Kyla, Katie, and Georgia H, which was really a good cabin. Every 2 cabins ended up being connected so my cabin was connected to the cabin that Ryna, Edelyn, Sarah, Shai, and Kaedence were in! My favourite activities were rock climbing, crate climb, damper making, and flying fox. The rock climbing had 2 walls, one that had a big ledge in the middle that you had to climb over, and the other one that was slanted so when you went up it was harder to climb, I ended up doing both of them all the way to the top! The crate climb was where you were attached to a harness which was connected to the roof and you had to stack crates while climbing them. I got 10 crates high! - Sayen G.


The landscape of the camp was full of forests, surrounded by trees and there was a river that cuts through the Camp. On the left side of the river there is lots of thick tall trees, and on the right side of the river there were 27 cabins, a gym, a dining room, the big flying fox and there was an archery area. The activities were archery, flying fox, wall climbing, crate climbing, Riddle challenge, cooking and team initiatives. The food was lasagna, bread, burgers, cereal, chicken schnitzel, potatoes and cut vegetables. The wildlife included Kangaroos, wombats, kookaburras, and snakes. There was a talent show in camp. My favourite part about camp was archery, flying fox, crate climb, talent show, and talking to my cabin mates in my cabin during night time. - Jai S.


Junior School Team...

Linda Palermo                                 Finn Archibald-Donohue        Harley Motteram                

Director of Junior School             Year 7 Coordinator                    Year 7 Coordinator 

pal@cheltsec.vic.edu.au              adf@cheltsec.vic.edu.au         mmh@cheltsec.vic.edu.au

                            Marian O'Shaughnessy                 Teresa Peluso                

                            Year 8 Coordinator                          Year 8 Coordinator                         

                            osh@cheltsec.vic.edu.au              pel@cheltsec.vic.edu.au          


Reminders for Year 7 and 8 parents:


Please ensure your student is wearing the correct uniform, including black polishable shoes and plain socks without a logo. 

PE Uniform guidelines for timetabled classes:

  • Periods 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 – students must wear their academic uniform to school and change into their PE uniform at school for their lesson and change back into their academic uniform at the conclusion of their PE lesson.
  • Periods 5 and 6 – students must wear their academic uniform to school and change into their PE uniform at school for their lesson, they can then wear their PE uniform home (no requirement to change).

There is a full explanation of the uniform items available, and the college expectations in the school diary/planner and in the Uniform Policy on the website. Please email Linda Palermo, Junior School Director if you are experiencing difficulties securing the correct uniform for your student. 


School Diary/Planner

Every student in Junior School has received a named diary/planner with the expectation that it is carried to every lesson on every school day. The planner is used to record homework, due dates for assignments, test dates; as well as excursions and special events.


Very importantly, it is also used as a ‘hall pass’ when students need to go to the toilet or sickbay or Wellbeing appointments during class time. 



It would be greatly appreciated if laptops can be fully battery charged as a regular routine in the evenings so your student comes to school with enough battery to last the day. At home, please create a space for homework out in the open where laptop usage can be monitored to minimise harm and maximise cyber safety.