School Council News

As we progress into Term 2, I hope everyone had a rejuvenating break over the Easter holidays, ready for the exciting weeks ahead at Cheltenham Secondary College. In my new role as President of the School Council, I am committed to representing and being the voice for our entire school community, including both parents and students. I am grateful for the trust and support of all those who voted for me, as I recognise that I am here to be your voice and advocate, thank you. Together, let's make this year a successful and fulfilling one for everyone at Cheltenham Secondary College.


Following the conclusion of the elections for the new School Council, and the formation of our new council, the first meeting involving both the outgoing and incoming council members occurred on Tuesday 19th March. We would like to welcome back Andrew Hall and Bridget Geers, who have been re-elected, whilst welcoming our new members Angela Berry and Janine Abbott (myself). Additionally, we bid farewell to Susannah and Rory and would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their dedication and commitment to their roles during their time on the school council.


2024 School Council 

President: Janine Abbott

Vice-President: Ester Yefet

Treasurer: Bridget Geers

Parent members: Angela Berry, Andrew Hall

Student members: Campbell Hall and Jonathan Gross

DET members: Karl Russell, Brooke Matthews, Emily Nicholls, Peter Allen


One of the major key initiatives the school council will be focusing on this year is the ongoing development and improvement of the School Master Plan overseen by our dedicated sub-committee. This group of individuals have been actively involved in thoroughly exploring and enhancing ideas to shape the future layout of buildings and facilities within our college. We are feeling very excited about the opportunities this initiative could bring and the potential impacts it will have in making a meaningful and positive difference to our college community.


This year's NAPLAN testing for Year 7 and 9 students concluded at the end of Term 1 with a strong turnout, and we would like to extend our gratitude to all students for their preparedness and to their supportive parents/guardians and our dedicated college staff allowing it to run so smoothly. NAPLAN is expected to release student results later this year, alongside individual reports for parents and/or guardians.


Our College Open Night was well attended on Wednesday night of this week, thank you to the students and staff who welcomed our many visitors. 


In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for being part of our school community and encourage your continued engagement, suggestions, feedback and support. Together, we can make Cheltenham Secondary College a well-supported environment where all our students continue to thrive and develop.


To find out more or get involved in the School Council, please contact myself at



Janine Abbott 

School Council President