From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Guardians


In today's Herald Sun, Education Minister Ben Carroll’s endorsement of traditional school discipline methods prompts us to reflect on the importance of respect within our college community. While Cheltenham Secondary College has a culture of calmness, recent times have highlighted the need for renewed focus on fostering respect and positive relationships among our students. 


Respect is the cornerstone of our college community, and has an impact on every interaction among students, teachers, staff, and parents. It forms the foundation for positive relationships and a supportive learning environment where each individual student feels valued and empowered to thrive.


As parents, our role is to model what positive and respectful behaviour looks and sounds like. To help shape student's attitudes, behaviours and the way they interact with others. It is essential for all parents to recognise the power of parental influence and strive to set positive examples for our children to emulate. Our children learn by example, and observing respectful interactions be it at home, at the football or in the car lays the groundwork for how we should interact and communicate in all facets of life. I am encouraging all parents to engage in discussions at home, emphasising the importance of respect, kindness, empathy, and understanding towards others.


Our school policies are very similar to other secondary schools (if not the same) and approved by the School Council and the Department of Education. Policies are implemented to ensure safety, fairness, equity, and academic excellence for all students. While perspectives may differ, it is imperative to recognise the significance of adhering to these guidelines, even when they may appear trivial.


Take, for instance, our uniform policy. While some may perceive it as no big deal, our uniform policy supports inclusiveness, fostering a sense of community. The uniform is more financially accessible for all families and reduces the focus on social and economic challenges faced by so many families. When students refuse to wear the required uniform, this displays a level of disrespect towards the college. It is important for families and the college to work together to support students in understanding the need to follow policies and procedures and contribute positively to our sense of community.  


Our dedicated teachers and staff work tirelessly to support students in their academic and personal growth. However, instances of disrespect towards teachers and disruptive behaviour within the classroom negatively impact student learning opportunities.


Open communication between teachers, parents, and students is invaluable. If students face academic or behavioural challenges, I encourage you (and them) to engage in positive discussions with their teachers to develop effective strategies for improvement. Undermining authority figures, be they teachers, coaches, police or other respected individuals in your child’s life by displaying disrespectful behaviour impedes the development of respectful attitudes.


Together, we can forge a collaborative, support system that empowers students to overcome obstacles and thrive. I want to emphasise the significance of fostering a constructive and dutiful bond and the importance of maintaining a positive and responsible relationship with your child. As parents, it is our duty to maintain standards concerning school attendance, homework completion, and holding them accountable for their choices. Successful parenting entails providing affectionate guidance alongside responsibility. However, it's essential to acknowledge that perfection isn't always attainable in this journey…we aren’t always going to get it right!


As we collectively guide students towards success, I want to remind parents of our commitment to foster a culture of respect, cooperation, and individual growth. Your partnership and support are invaluable in shaping the next generation of responsible and respectful young adults.


Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our school community.


Karl Russell
