Uniform Shop

Welcome to Term 2, I hope everyone had a fun and restful break. 


Just some housekeeping reminders for all parents this term. Beginning Week 1 the uniform shop opening hours have shifted slightly. The shop remains open on Monday afternoons however it will now open from 3:15pm - 4:00pm each week. Quickcliqs online ordering will remain Tuesday - Sunday of each week and is CLOSED on Mondays to allow for order assembling. Parents will be notified via text when their orders are ready to collect from the front office. 


I am also thrilled to announce the WINTER BUNDLE BUYS are now available. Please see the order forms attached to assist you with ordering. Bundles can only be placed via email or in person not online. 


Second hand items remain available, but donations are still in high demand and would be greatly appreciated. For further assistance or enquiries please contact me at clothingpooleps@gmail.com


Kind Regards




To order from the Canteen and Uniform Shop go to Quick Cliq