2025 Foundation Enrolments and

Transition from Yr 6-7 

Foundation Enrolments for 2025 are now being taken online

Foundation (Prep) enrolments for 2025

Children must turn 5 years of age by 30 April, 2025 to begin Foundation (first year of school) next year.


The Department of Education has released a new statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline.


The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Albany Rise Primary School.

You can find information and resources about the new timeline, including factsheets and the ‘Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents/Carers’, at:  


Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).

  • Applications for enrolment for Foundation (Prep) 2025 at Albany Rise Primary School will be available from Monday 15 April 2024. The education department has developed Student Insight which is an online portal from where you will fill in an electronic enrolment for your child. You must complete and submit the enrolment application for Foundation by Friday 26 July 2024. You will be notified of the outcome of your application between Monday 29 July and Friday 9 August, 2024. If you receive an enrolment offer you should accept the offer by Friday 23 August, 2024.

What you need to do:

If your child will be starting in Prep in 2025 then you will need complete an enrolment application online (below) along with proof of identity and immunisation before Friday July 26, 2024. We encourage parents to enrol their children as early as possible so that their children can participate in the transition program for new Preps that runs later in the year.

Please note that outcome of enrolment applications will be provided by the school starting from July 29, 2024.

You can only use the online form for new Preps in 2025 — for all other enrolments, please contact the school.

We encourage you to book a school tour to learn more about our school.


School tours occur every Thursday at 10.30am (not during holiday periods). Contact the office to book or for an alternative time.


Follow the link below to commence your Foundation 2025 enrolment: 


Commence 2025 Foundation Enrolment

Year 6 important information for Year 7 2025- out this week!

This week (Friday) our Year 6 students will receive their 2025 Year 7 enrolment information for secondary school. The packs are individualised based on the information currently stored at school, including their local government secondary school placement.

Parents are reminded to read the information in the pack and refer the timeline in the newsletter to ensure all actions are completed.


Parents/carers submit Application for Year 7 Placement 2025 to primary schools by Friday 10 May 2024.


Year 7 2025