Extra Curricula Activities


Lunchtime & Recess Clubs

Students at Albany Rise have the opportunities to engage in many extra curricula activities at ARPS every week. Lunchtime & recess clubs are popular with many students. During Term 2, the roster of lunchtime clubs and activities is as follows:


Day & timeClub / Activity 
Monday -  2pmChoir & VSSS – Music Room, with Daniel Redfearn
Tuesday - 11.40amDrama Club – Room 9, with Kym Redford
Wednesday – 11.40amDrawing Club – in STEM room, with Melanie Rowland
Thursday -  2pmeClub (computing) – in Room 10 with Blake Ewald
Friday – 11.40amLEGO club -  in the ARC with Robyn Williams


We encourage parents to remind students of these opportunities and look forward to seeing students in each of these clubs during the week.