Foundation P 

Foundation P have been busy this term and having lots of fun learning together.


In Literacy this term, we have been reading different picture books based on Australian animals. We have completed oral, written and hands on tasks inspired by the picture books. 

One of the books we have read is 'Possum Magic' by Mem Fox.  As part of our learning, we wrote a procedure together about how to make a vegemite sandwich.  Students also made their own vegemite sandwiches. 


Another book we have read is 'Wombat Stew' by Marcia Vaughan.

After reading the book, the students used Colourful Semantics to create their own 'who/what doing' or 'who/what doing/what/where' sentence. The students also made a craft version of the stew from the book. 


In Maths, we have been learning about small and large doubles. In class we sing songs, play hands on games and complete written tasks to help us with our understandings. 

The students practised showing doubles facts as sums, as well as by using concrete materials. 


Our current topic in Maths is Data. The students have had fun surveying their peers by asking them yes or no questions.  The students have displayed their data as graphs, as well as by using concrete materials.