Principal Post

Dear Families,

To all our Mums and special women we hope that your 'Mothers Day' was everything you wished for!  Thank you for the love, nurturing and support you offer your families and friends. We remember the many special mothers and special women that have gone before us.   


Thank you to the parents who very generously gave of their time to run our Mothers Day stall last week!  

Gale, Karla, Sam, Jess, Lauren, Manuela, Renna & Han.

Year 5-6 Camp

Next Monday- Wednesday,  our Year 5-6 students will travel to Phillip Island Adventure Resort for the Annual Camp Experience. We hope that it will be a brilliant few days, full of fun, collaboration and teamwork.  Thank you to the staff who will be attending and to our parent volunteers.

Our students will return on Wednesday at about 2:30pm.


I will be taking LSL from Tuesday 28th May until the beginning of Term 3!  I will be travelling to Europe with my wife to visit my son who is in France, enjoying the coast of Italy, seeing relatives in Ireland, venturing into London and heading back via Singapore.

 I am very much looking forward to the extended break.


 Jenny Willmott will be Acting Principal in my absence and Bec Chan will be Acting Deputy Principal. Bec will continue teaching Foundation KC on a Friday.  The school is in great hands with these excellent leaders who will be well supported by our dedicated professional staff.  


This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. On this significant feast, we celebrate the moment the Holy Spirit was first poured out upon the world as recorded in Acts Chapter 2.  We pray that the fruits and  gifts of the Holy Spirit will be evident in our lives and in our interactions. 

Come Holy Spirit, fill us with the fire of your love and life.

Walk to School Day

Walk to School Day on Friday 10th May was a wonderful success. The event was coordinated by our House Captains. The focus this year was to reduce car-dependency to help people get better health. 

The students ate some delicious fruit kindly donated by Woolworths at MCity. If you walked to school many children also received a  temporary walk to school tattoo.

Parent Information Evening

Please make sure you come along to our Cyber Safety Information Night on 11th June at 6:30pm. The presentation is being run by Susan McLean, Australia’s foremost expert in the area of Cybersafety and young people. This is an important night and we encourage all families to attend. More information can be found on the Parent Cyber Safety Information Night page. 

Please RSVP if you will be attending.



A reminder to be very careful when dropping and picking up your students.


Parish Carpark:

Please be mindful of students who could be getting out of surrounding  cars as you are moving from your parking bay. 


The top playground should not be used as a carpark unless picking up from After School Care or the school has authorised permission.  There are too many students crossing this basketball court from the Brigidine building at 3:15pm. 


If you can not find a carpark in the Parish Carpark then please exit and do a loop or perhaps use the back gate area. Please communicate with your child as to the pick up area. 


At drop off, please get out of your car and bring your child (supervised) into the school grounds. At the end of the day pick them up from the gate and take them supervised to your car. It is unsafe to allow children to walk/ run into the school grounds/ carpark  unsupervised.  

St Johns Way: 

'Kiss and Drop' - please do not get out of the car and hold other cars up. 


Both Carparks and in surrounding streets:

Please be extremely careful when  parking,  backing in to parking bays, reversing and moving from bays.  Always be patient  and alert for students, toddlers and community members. 

Please obey all signs, speed restrictions and be respectful to neighbours and community members.  

Resilience Project Awards

This week at assembly Asher won an award for displaying empathy. 


Her kindness and friendship to others has not gone unnoticed.


This week a number of students and staff who have away due to different illnesses. Please ensure if your child is unwell to keep them home as it affects the other students and our staff. It is important you can be contacted if we call during the day and all details are correct and up to date. If you have changed numbers recently please contact the school.