Busy times in 3-4TG!

Mrs. Glancy / Mrs. Tracey



In 3/4TG we have been using measuring tapes to measure the length of our jumps outside as part of our measurement unit in Maths. We recorded our results in centimetres and then converted them to metres and centimetres. Finally, we recorded our results in metres using decimals. We had lots of fun estimating our jumps and trying to beat our personal bests!


We also went outside and used chalk to help us differentiate between perimeter and area. We walked around the boundary of shapes to understand perimeter and then filled out shapes with colour to understand area. We wrote formulas to solve the shapes our partners drew for us.

WELLBEING: The Resilience Project


As part of our well-being program we have been using our Resilience Project workbooks. We enjoyed the activity of matching the photographs to the corresponding emotion. Later, we discussed the personal strengths we can see in our family and friends. We then made our own list of our top 5 personal strengths.

READING: Biological Science


During our reading sessions, we have been using our new knowledge and the Dichotomous Key for Animals to help us classify animals. We know lots of new vocabulary and have been introduced to new types of living creatures. This learning will help us when we research a living creature for our upcoming Animal Information Reports. We can’t wait!



After our very enjoyable SJV Cross Country day, five students from 3-4TG made it through to the District Cross Country on Monday the 6th of May. Noah, Tony, Olivia, Elise and Chiara headed off on the bus with many others from years 3-6, to represent our school. They did a fantastic job on a course that included some hills that were tricky! Well done to these students for representing SJV so well.

WRITING: Animal Information Reports


We are putting all our learning about Living Things to the test! The students are now researching and writing about a Living Creature of their choice. The students have selected an animal, and will use validated online sources to learn all about their creature. The class have chosen a wide range of living creatures to research, including reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, marsupials and insects.


They must find out information about the animal’s scientific classification, create a detailed annotated diagram, draw and write about their life cycle, record any interesting facts about their animal and its habitat, and conference with a teacher to check for grammar and spelling errors. They then present their information in a creative and beautifully-presented format, using lettering, borders and colour to make their poster/project visually appealing. 


Once completed, we will be sharing our projects/posters through Seesaw and will invite other students and teachers to come to our classroom to learn all about our living creatures!


These projects are a culmination of many weeks of learning and hard work. We are very excited to see how they all look in a couple of weeks.