Principal's Update

Make sure you collect your 9 passport stamps when you visit all the classrooms to go in the draw!! Tuesday May 21st 3.30-5.00pm - we will finish with a finale song with all our students and thats when we will draw the prizes.
We have had a busy fortnight again and there are lots more fun activities coming up this term. Kaboom, Musica Viva and Downball clinics to name a few.
Please make sure you check out the Mothers Day photos in the Community Events section.
Details will be coming out soon so that you can book your 10 minute interview via Compass. Please note the dates below:
Thu 27th Jun - Last day Term 2 and 3 way Parent Teacher child interviews 2pm-6pm.
Fri 28th Jun - Student Free Day - 3 way Parent Teacher child interviews 9am-1pm
Our 3-week Living & Growing Programs are delivered at primary schools, across three weeks during term. At the lower primary year levels, the programs are simple and gentle, and then they build in terms of concepts and knowledge across the year levels. The Year 3-4 programs include an introduction to puberty, and at the Year 5-6 level the focus of the program is the changes of puberty.
Further details to follow.
BUSINESS MANAGER POSITION : The 0.8 position at WMPS has been advertised on Recruitment Online. The Ad will be open for 2 weeks closing on 29th May 2024.
Can you find Mrs Thornton's Mothers Day photo?
Question: How many children does Mrs Thornton have?
When you find the answer please put your answer in the box in the office and there will be a draw in assembly!