Student Achievement Awards - 29th April

Home group | Student | Description |
FA | Lucas | Well done Lucas on a fantastic start to Term 2. You are always there to support and encourage your peers, and you're willing to help out friends and teachers. |
FH | Doris | Congratulations, Doris, on settling in well to our class. You work hard and follow classroom instructions diligently. You enjoy many of the games we play, and it's wonderful to see you enjoying school. Keep up the great work! |
1G | Abigail | Congratulations, Abigail, on your fantastic reading this week! You read confidently and with expression. You were able to retell the story and tell me all about the different characters, as well as have text-to-self connections. Keep up the great work. |
1S | Aishini | Well done Aishini on the progress you are making with your reading. You are very confident now with working out words when unsure - you superstar. It is great to hear you checking when something you read does not make sense, and going back to work it out. Keep up the awesome work. |
2F | Ritvij | Congratulations Rtivij on your wonderful work in writing! You used your sequenced photos from our planting session to plan and draft a well written procedure text about 'How to Grow Lettuce'. You then effectively used the revising and editing checklist to improve your writing. Keep up the fantastic work! |
2J | Adhrit | Well done Adhrit on your efforts through the writing cycle last week. You used your plan to draft a clear and easy to follow procedure text for 'How to Plant Lettuce Seeds'. You then carefully re-read your writing and were able to revise and edit it to create an improved text. Congratulations! |
2T | Kahaan | Congratulations Kahaan! You have been a superstar mathematician this week, solving challenging addition problems and explaining your thinking. Keep up the excellent effort! |
3B | Jessica | Well done Jessica on your incredible reading! You are able to use expression throughout a text and discuss the important events in sequence. Congratulations! |
3W | Aurora | Congratulations Aurora on an amazing week! You have displayed genuine interest and enthusiasm throughout our study of orcas, and have even conducted further research at home in your own time. You have also demonstrated care and kindness by offering to lend a helping hand to our new classmate. Keep up the great work! |
4P | Emma | Congratulations Emma on your enthusiastic and diligent start to Term 2. Your descriptive and animated bookwork entries relating to ANZAC Day this week have demonstrated wonderful emotive language and engaged your audiences attention. Superb effort Emma! |
4S | Jon | Congratulations Jon on your outstanding efforts in class this week. You have been a wonderful learner, listening carefully to instructions, staying focussed on your learning tasks and sharing your knowledge with the class when contributing to class discussion. Keep up the amazing work. Well done. |