Principals Report

by Helen Freeman

Year 5 and 6 Camp

The students returned from Camp yesterday, a little tired but bubbling with excitement about their camp experiences. From all accounts it was action packed from dawn to dusk. When asking students as they came in from the bus what was their favourite activity their responses were the giant swing, canoeing and the ‘leap of faith’. A huge thank you to the parents who volunteered for the camp - Scott, Janice, Kevin, and Kai and of course a huge thank you to all the staff for their attendance.  Special thanks to Mr Kenez who volunteered his time to attend the camp. More photos can be found later in the newsletter.

House Cross Country

Last Friday we held the House Cross Country run, it was great to see the parents in attendance cheering on all the competitors. Our school values were on show with the runners openly offering words of encouragement to each other and giving their all to make it to the end. Thank you to our wonderful PA members who supplied the fruit to the runners as they finished their long run.


From the results of the Cross Country, we now have a team heading off to Mirrabooka Reserve next Friday to compete in the SDSSA Cross Country. Go Syndal!

2025 Foundation Enrolment / School Tours

Foundation enrolments for 2024 are now open. We are looking forward to holding our Information Evening on Wednesday 8th May and we are currently conducting school tours. If you have a sibling of a child currently enrolled at Syndal South PS, please drop in to get an Enrolment Pack to complete as soon as possible. If you have friends, neighbours or extended family joining us or looking to join us at Syndal South PS next year, please encourage them to get in touch to arrange a tour around our awesome school!

Mother’s Day Stall 

The Parents Association will be holding the Mother’s Day Stall next Friday 10th May. If students would like to buy a gift, we ask that they bring no more than $15 (to purchase the gift and buy raffle tickets) in a named envelope. We also have the special Mother’s Day Raffle that will also be drawn next Friday, tickets are available for $1 each.

Education Week 

This year, Education Week runs from Monday 13th to Friday 17th May. This year's theme, Spotlight on STEM, highlights the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond.


Due to the Year 3 and 4 swimming program, we have postponed our special Education Week celebration to Thursday 30th May. On this day parents are welcome to attend from 2.00 pm when the Spotlight on STEM will be in action. All students in their classrooms will be working on a STEM activity based on a mentor text. There will be more information to follow. We are looking forward to being able to return to our more elaborate celebrations of Education Week in 2025 utilising our new building.


Finally, I would like to remind you that tomorrow is a ‘free dress’ day for all students.


Have a fabulous fortnight everyone!


Have a great fortnight!
