International Baccalaureate 

Premiers' Reading Challenge

The 2024 Premiers’ Reading Challenge has launched! At Good News Lutheran College, we are getting ready to help our young readers “explore, learn and enjoy” the world of reading.


This year’s theme is ‘explore, learn, enjoy.’ The Premiers' Reading Challenge encourages students to read a set number of books over the year, depending on their level. All their reading efforts will be recorded online.


There are different goals for different learning stages, and thousands of books to choose from on the Premier’s Reading Challenge book list. The Premiers' Reading Challenge book list for 2024 can be found here.


We look forward to sharing more information with you, once we have all student accounts prepared for registration.


Rebecca Moore

PYP Coordinator

MYP Update 

Welcome back to Term 2! Exciting developments are underway in the Middle Years Programme (MYP). Year 7 and 8 will embark on service-learning experiences this term, enriching their MYP journeys with hands-on community engagement.


For Year 9 students who have chosen the elective 'Aviation Studies', it has finally taken flight! This unit integrates science, design, and humanities to investigate the future of aviation. Students will grapple with the question: "Should aviation's future emphasize AI-driven automation or continue to rely on human pilots?" This elective offers a unique opportunity for students to collaborate across subjects and explore this pressing issue.


We look forward to sharing their insights and progress with you as the term unfolds!


Jessica Ventura

MYP Coordinator

Professional Learning Workshop


During our curriculum day, the Junior School staff participated in a collaborative workshop centred around Assessment in the PYP. Throughout the day staff inquired into ‘what is assessment?’, ‘why do we assess’ and ‘how can we assess?’ Together we explored the central idea, ‘assessment is used to inform the next steps in learning’, and identified the many different ways we can assess.


Through professional reading, discussion and reflection, staff further developed their understanding of effective assessment. We recognise that assessment is ongoing, descriptive, and individual to document a child’s learning journey. Assessment will continue to be a professional development focus this term, as we constantly strive to refine and improve our teaching and assessment practices to inform and plan for the next steps in learning.


Rebecca Moore

PYP Coordinator