Primary Years, Tarneit

Ms Maria Denholm 

Grace in Primary Years

During Term 1 in Primary Years Assembly there was a focus on the College value of Grace, which was described to the younger students as an undeserved gift or kindness. We all appreciate an underserved gift or kindness! It makes us feel seen, appreciated and loved. The Primary Years students were encouraged to perform random acts of kindness to others as one way of showing grace. A message shared was that we can always choose to be kind, it costs nothing. 


As a result of this, it was pleasing to see the students showing kindness to others and sharing how their classmates had been kind to them. At GNLC, the staff endeavour to instil grace in the students through kindness as well as supporting parents. Kindness is also referred to as Caring in the IB Learner Profile.


Mrs Maria Denholm

Head of Primary Years

Mother's Day Stall

GNLC will be running a Mother's Day stall on Thursday 9 May where students can purchase special gifts for their mum! 

Gift items will range from $2-$5. 

Please remember to bring cash for the day to avoid missing out.

Class Photo Day

A reminder that class photos will be taken on Monday 29 April. Please see below for more information including photo purchase procedures and uniform guidelines.