From the Principal

Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

Grace: A Living Principle


In our Lutheran school community, grace isn't just a concept we discuss; it's a living principle that shapes how we interact daily. As we navigate the challenges and joys of the academic year, I'm continually inspired by the countless examples of grace demonstrated by our students and teachers.


In Ephesians 2:8, we are reminded that we are saved by grace through faith, a gift from God. But what does this look like in our school community? 


It looks like a student comforting a classmate who is struggling with a difficult assignment, offering encouragement and support instead of judgment. 


It looks like a teacher patiently guiding a student through a challenging concept, taking the time to ensure understanding rather than rushing through the lesson. 


It looks like a group of students including a new classmate in their activities, extending friendship and acceptance to someone who may feel out of place.


It looks like a teacher forgiving a student who made a mistake, offering guidance and redirection instead of harsh criticism.


It looks like a student acknowledging their own shortcomings and seeking forgiveness from a peer, fostering a culture of humility and reconciliation.


These are just a few examples of the countless acts of grace that occur within our school community daily. They remind us that grace isn't just a theological concept; it's a tangible expression of love and compassion that we can extend to one another in both big and small ways.


As we continue our journey together, let us strive to embody grace in all we do. Let us seek opportunities to extend kindness, forgiveness, and understanding to one another, creating a nurturing environment where all feel valued and supported.


Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

College Principal