Year 5

Mr Jones, Ms Miller, Ms Armstrong & Ms Rowley 

Year 5 Newsletter


Hello Year 5 Families and welcome to Term 2! Term 1 was an absolute blast and we are so excited to be back in the classroom to learn new things! 


In Literacy, we began the term by finishing up our unit on World Lakes with a focus on the lakes in Australia, Lake Eyre and the Gippsland Lakes Catchment. Students used their new knowledge about their chosen lakes from the Knowledge Unit to draft Single Paragraph Outlines (SPO). This has perfectly set us up for the new unit of Protecting Earth's Resources, where we will explore ways in which water, air and land are being impacted and how we can better protect the environment.



In Numeracy, students started with revising their knowledge on multiplication facts and recalling times tables. The Year 5’s have enjoyed using decks of cards and dice to create their own multiplication problems, especially as we transitioned into creating and solving multiplication problems involving multiple digits, using the vertical strategy. The operations unit will finish up with division involving larger digits, including both long and short division strategies. The students have also been learning about finding the area of a 2D shape. 



In SEL, we have continued to explore The Resilience Project. Students have begun to learn about another of the key pillars: empathy, and how they understand what another person may be feeling. Students will explore and examine how they are feeling and what actions make them feel positive emotions to help them recognise and inspire those same emotions in others. 


In Auslan, students have learnt some new vocabulary about farm animals and how to describe them. They have been able to practise using previous weeks signs to describe them, such as colours and textures, in a fun (but silent!) game of celebrity heads.