
Ms Kirk, Ms Nguyen & Ms Kini 

Welcome back to Term 2 Science! In this term, students will engage in different videos, discussions and activities to develop their knowledge and skills in Chemical Science.


Foundation: In Term 2, the Foundation students will use sight and touch to make observations and different objects. Students will use colour, texture, size and flexibility to describe objects, in relation to their uses.  


Year 1:  In Term 2, the Year 1 students will explore properties of various natural and artificial materials. Students will be challenged to explain how materials can be changed or combined to make a product.


Year 2: In Term 2, the Year 2 students will define and identify examples of recyclable and non-recyclable materials. Students will be challenged to explain how different daily materials are recycled, including which bins to place their rubbish in.


Year 3: In Term 2, the Year 3 students will be introduced to the state of matter, including the observable properties of solids and liquids and how this knowledge can help them in future jobs or activities. Students will use sight and touch to categorise various objects as a solid or liquid.


Year 4: In Term 2, the Year 4 students will explore natural and processed materials. Using prediction, prior knowledge and suggestions students will determine the use of a particular material for a certain purpose. Students will also explore the properties of different materials along with this. For example: why is rubber a better choice of material for shoe soles and not glass. 


Year 5: In Term 2, the Year 5 students will explore the three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. Using prior knowledge, investigation, observation and calculated predictions students will also discover the properties of each of the states and what makes them unique in their own way.


Year 6:  In Term 2, the Year 6 students will explore reversible and irreversible changes. Through investigations, videos and observations students will understand that changes such as evaporation, melting, freezing etc are reversible and changes such as burning, cooking, rusting are irreversible