Innovation & Design

Mr Magafas, Ms Bedi & Ms Kirk

Innovation and Design

We are excited about what is planned for Term 2 this year.  


Our wonderful Foundation students will continue to learn about sequencing. This will be followed by introducing the design cycle to students. The foundation students will use their creativity to develop designed solutions of shelters, based on the children’s story of “The three little pigs”. 



Year 1

The Year 1 students will continue to explore digital systems. Further in the term the students will look at the design cycle process, and use the process to develop a designed solution for a digital system.

Year 2

Year 2 students will continue their focus on digital systems and compare the difference between digital solutions and non-digital systems. Following this the grade 2 students will explore different construction materials and applications. Students will also explore simple machines.


Year 3

Year 3 students will continue investigating coding. They will focus on learning about Morse Code and will learn how to read and decode messages in this medium. Further in the term the grade 3 students will learn about the Design Cycle. Students will touch on forces and explore Rube-Goldberg Machines. Students will then work in groups to design and build their own Rube-Goldberg Machine.


Year 4

Year 4 students will continue to explore and develop their coding skills using Blockly. Further into the term students will learn about the Design Cycle process. Students will apply their knowledge of the Design Cycle process by creating a designed solution for a Ball Drop problem.

Year 5

This Term, Year 5 students will explore how Origami can be used in real life. They will create a retractable paper roof using the different folds of origami. They will also identify different design elements of our design cycle and build their own Bridge models. Be ready for their amazing, creative models. 


Year 6

Year 6’s will complete their Ozobot racetrack and share their creations on Seesaw. Students will display their knowledge of Programming and how visual codes can give robots different commands. This Term students will be focusing on Sustainability and Kitchen cooking sessions, where they will make a range of different amazing meals. It is going to be an incredible Term!!